ahotovec / REDPy

Repeating Earthquake Detector (Python)
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Add event amplitude to one of the standard output files #19

Closed rumachan closed 2 years ago

rumachan commented 2 years ago

In demo'ing some REDpy results to colleagues I mentioned that I thought the events in clusters did not reflect a scale bound process, such as you might see with some earthquakes of volcanic origin. I was asked if I could construct a frequency-magnitude curve to more clearly demonstrate that was a reasonable conclusion. I am wondering if event amplitudes could be added to an appropriate output file, which would make constructing a frequency-magnitude curve for any cluster a trivial matter. Amplitudes are stored and graphed, so I assume outputting wouldn't be too hard. If amplitude was added, would there be an argument for adding other features of cluster events, such as Frequency Index? Many thanks

ahotovec commented 2 years ago

Easy answer here! In the configuration file, just include verbosecatalog=True and it will print out additional columns including FI and stored amplitudes on all stations.

rumachan commented 2 years ago

I'm sorry, now I feel like a right twit! Thank you very much.

ahotovec commented 2 years ago

No worries. My documentation is a little out of date, so the feature isn't as clear as it probably should be.