ahrefs / atd

Static types for JSON APIs
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Doesn't compile with yojson 2.0.2 #317

Closed SnarkBoojum closed 1 year ago

SnarkBoojum commented 1 year ago

I tried to compile the latest atd 2.9.1 with yojson 2.0.2 ; it failed:

File "atdgen-runtime/src/oj_run.ml", line 123, characters 40-42:
123 |       | FP_zero -> Bi_outbuf.add_string ob (Printf.sprintf "%.0f" x)
Error: This expression has type Buffer.t
       but an expression was expected of type Bi_outbuf.t


File "atdgen-runtime/src/util.ml", line 1:
Error: The implementation atdgen-runtime/src/util.ml
       does not match the interface atdgen-runtime/src/.atdgen_runtime.objs/byte/atdgen_runtime__Util.cmi:
        ... In module Json:
       Values do not match:
         val from_string :
           ?buf:Buffer.t ->
           ?fname:string ->
           ?lnum:int ->
           (Yojson.Safe.lexer_state -> Lexing.lexbuf -> 'a) -> string -> 'a
       is not included in
         val from_string :
           ?buf:Bi_outbuf.t ->
           ?fname:string -> ?lnum:int -> 'a reader -> string -> 'a
       File "atdgen-runtime/src/util.mli", lines 76-80, characters 2-29:
         Expected declaration
       File "atdgen-runtime/src/util.ml", line 69, characters 6-17:
         Actual declaration
    ocamlopt atdgen-runtime/src/.atdgen_runtime.objs/native/atdgen_runtime__Oj_run.{cmx,o} (exit 2)
SnarkBoojum commented 1 year ago

I re-checked and it worked... I must have goofed...