ahwagner / vicckb

python module for querying the vicc knowledgebase integration datastore
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Revise SI format #38

Closed ahwagner closed 4 years ago

ahwagner commented 4 years ago

All Supplementary Information must be submitted in accordance with the instructions in the attached Inventory of Supporting Information, and should fit into one of three categories:

(a) EXTENDED DATA: Extended Data are an integral part of the paper, and only data that directly contribute to the main message should be presented. These figures will be integrated into the full-text HTML version of your paper and will be appended to the online PDF. There is a limit of 10 Extended Data figures, and each must be referred to in the main text. Each Extended Data figure should be of the same quality as the main figures, and should be supplied at a size that will allow both the figure and legend to be presented on a single legal-sized page. Each figure should be submitted as an individual .jpg, .tif or .eps file with a maximum size of 10 MB each. All Extended Data figure legends must be provided in the attached Inventory of Supporting Information, not in the figure files themselves.

(b) SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: Supplementary Information is material that is essential background to the study but that is not practical to include in the printed version of the paper (for example, video files, large data sets and calculations). Each item must be referred to in the main manuscript and detailed in the attached Inventory of Supporting Information. Tables containing large data sets should be in Excel format, with the table number and title included within the body of the table. All textual information and any additional Supplementary Figures (which should be presented with the legends directly below each figure) should be provided as a single, combined PDF. Please note that we cannot accept resupplies of Supplementary Information after the paper has been formally accepted unless there has been a critical scientific error.

All Extended Data must be called you in your manuscript and cited as Extended Data Figure 1, Extended Data Figure 2, etc. Additional Supplementary Figures (if permitted) and other items are not required to be called out in your manuscript text, but should be numerically numbered, starting at one, as Supplementary Figure 1, etc.

(c) SOURCE DATA: We encourage you to provide source data for your figures whenever possible. Full-length, unprocessed gels and blots must be provided as source data for any relevant figures, and should be provided as individual PDF files for each figure containing all supporting blots and/or gels with the linked figure noted directly in the file. Statistics source data should be provided in Excel format, one file for each relevant figure, with the linked figure noted directly in the file. For imaging source data, we encourage deposition to a relevant repository, such as figshare (https://figshare.com/) or the Image Data Resource (https://idr.openmicroscopy.org).