ahwayakchih / openshift-nodebb

**CLOSED** HOWTO install NodeBB in the OpenShift cloud.
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SMTP email with Openshift and nodebb-plugin-emailer-local forked from julianlam/nodebb-plugin-emailer-local #12

Closed 77656233 closed 8 years ago

77656233 commented 8 years ago


first of all thank your for the nice tutorial. We got all set up well and running without big problems. We tried to install a plugin called nodebb-plugin-emailer-local on the openshift app but it looks like the smtp mails get blocked from openshift because this errer:

17/2 03:09 [201897] - ^[[33mwarn^[[39m: [emailer.smtp] Unable to send digest email to uid 1!! 17/2 03:09 [201897] - ^[[31merror^[[39m: [plugins] filter:email.send, Greeting never received

Would you be so nice to also explain how to get that plugin running with the openshift setup?

Thank you very much!

ahwayakchih commented 8 years ago


Are you using 3rd party SMTP server? For example, gmail?

77656233 commented 8 years ago

No i am using a 3rd party smpt server of my hoster. So is there a chance you can install the plugin i mentioned on top and try to send mails with it on the openshift setup? We really need that this can send mails.

Thank you! :)

ahwayakchih commented 8 years ago

I think it is possible, as i did try it (although with GMail account). I should be able to try and test it with another SMTP server tomorrow or over the weekend. So i'll write here then.

But it still will be an SMTP server that's not hosted on OpenShift.

nhlpl commented 8 years ago

NodeBB is now using Nodemailer so give it a try and see what happens. https://blog.nodebb.org/emailers/ http://nodemailer.com

77656233 commented 8 years ago

I will give it a try thanks.

nhlpl commented 8 years ago
