ai-cfia / nachet-backend

A flask-based backend for Nachet to handle Azure endpoint and Azure storage API requests from the frontend.
MIT License
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Analyst Feedback on Model Result #68

Open MaxenceGui opened 6 months ago

MaxenceGui commented 6 months ago

Issue Description

When seed analysts use Nachet, they should be able to give their retroaction on the result. A pipeline of action needs to be integrated from the Frontend to the database to be able to register the user feedback. The possible feedbacks types are:


title: Nachet Architecture for Inference
        uuid id
        text name
        uuid id PK
        json inference 
        uuid picture_id FK
        uuid user_id FK
        timestamp upload_date
        uuid id PK
        json box_metadata
        uuid inference_id FK
        integer type_id
        boolean verified
        boolean modified
        uuid top_guess FK
        timestamp upload_date
        timestamp updated_at
        uuid id PK
        uuid seed_id FK 
        uuid object_id FK
        float score

  user ||--o{ inference: requests
  inference ||--|| picture: infers
  inference }o--|| pipeline: creates
  inference ||--o{ object: detects
  object ||--o{ seed_object: is
  seed_object }o--|| seed: is

Work to do

1. Tweak the current classification/inference process in the Backend to use the Datastore.

Sequence of saving the inference:

Note the picture must of already been uploaded and registered in the DB

  actor User
  box grey Ai-Lab services
  participant Frontend
  participant Backend
  participant Datastore
  participant ML
  box grey Storage services
  participant PostgreSQL Database
  participant Azure Storage

    User ->> Frontend: Classify picture
    Frontend -) Backend: Classify_picture(user_id,picture_id,pipeline_id)
    Backend -) Datastore: get_picture_url(picture_id)
    Datastore ->> Backend : picture_url
    Backend -) ML: inference_request(pipeline,picture)
    ML ->> Backend : inference.json
    Backend -) Datastore: register_inference_result(inference,user_id,picture_id,pipeline_id)
    Datastore ->> Datastore: trim_inference
    Datastore -) PostgreSQL Database: new_inference(trimmed_inference)
    Datastore ->> Datastore: Add {inference_id: uuid}
    loop each box 
        Datastore ->> Datastore: build_box_metadata(box_metadata)
        Datastore ->> PostgreSQL: new_inference_object(box_metadata)
        Datastore ->> Datastore: Add {box_id: uuid}
        loop each guess
            Datastore -) PostgreSQL: get_seed_id(seed_name)
            Datastore ->> PostgreSQL: new_seed_object(box_id,seed_id)
            Datastore ->> Datastore: Add {object_id: uuid}
        Datastore  ->> PostgreSQL: set_inference_object_top_id(object_id, top_seed_object_id)
  Datastore ->> Backend: inference_with_id.json
  Backend ->> Frontend: Display picture with inference results

2. Implement a process to enable users to submit their inference feedback/validation

Sequence of saving the inference feedback

  actor User
  participant Frontend
  participant Backend
  participant Datastore
  participant Database

    User ->> Frontend: Validate inference
    alt Perfect Inference
    Frontend -) Backend: Inference result positive (user_id,inference_id)
    Backend -) Datastore: Inference result positive (user_id,inference_id)
    Datastore ->> Database: Set each object.verified = True & object.modified=False
    else Annotated Inference
    Frontend -) Backend: Inference feedback (inference_feedback.json,user_id,inference_id)
    Backend ->> Datastore: Inference feedback (inference_feedback.json, user_id, inference_id)
    Datastore -> Database: Get Inference_result(inference_id)
        loop each Boxes
            alt box has an id value
                alt False
                    Datastore --> Datastore: Next box & flag_all_box_verified=False
                    Datastore -) Database: Set object.verified=True & object.verified_by=user_id
                    Datastore -) Datastore: Compare label & box coordinate
                    alt label value empty
                        Datastore -) Database: Set object.top_inference=Null
                        Datastore -) Database: Set object.modified=False                   
                    else label or box coordinate are changed & not empty
                        Datastore -) Database: Update object.top_inference & object.box_metadata
                        Note over Datastore,Database: if the top label is not part of the seed_object guesses, <br>we will need to create a new instance of seed_object.
                        Datastore -) Database: Set object.modified=true
                    else label and box haven't changed
                        Datastore -) Database: Set object.modified=False
            else box has no id value
                Datastore -) Database: Create new object and seed_object
        alt if flag_all_box_verified=True
            Datastore -) Database: Set Inference.verified=true

Acceptance Criteria





ChromaticPanic commented 5 months ago

Some ideas for potential feedback mechanism