ai-cfia / nachet-frontend

Frontend application for seed classification of images acquired from digital microscopes
MIT License
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User Feature Request: Implement Data Upload Feature for Test Users #127

Open CFIALeronB opened 1 month ago

CFIALeronB commented 1 month ago

Description: To enhance our platform's functionality, we are introducing a new feature that allows our trusted test users to upload their data directly to their blob storage and the Database. This feature aims to streamline the data ingestion process and enable users to contribute their data more efficiently.

The frontend team will be responsible for creating a new UI component. This component will include a button that triggers a pop-up window prompting the user to enter and upload the following information:

The backend/frontend teams will need to collaborate closely to establish a secure and efficient connection between the user's input and our storage/database infrastructure.

User Story: As a test user, I want to upload my seed image data directly to my allocated storage, so that I can efficiently contribute to the dataset without needing intermediate steps or manual intervention by the platform's administrators.

Acceptance Criteria:



Francois-Werbrouck commented 1 month ago

@ChromaticPanic This is the issue I was talking about yesterday