ai-coin / KafkaBlockchain

A java library for tamper-evidence using Kafka. Messages are optionally encrypted and hashed sequentially.
Apache License 2.0
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Enforce exactly once semantics to allow multiple partitions #2

Closed StephenLReed closed 5 years ago

StephenLReed commented 5 years ago

Enforce exactly once semantics with a single consumer group and stateful offset management.

StephenLReed commented 5 years ago

For a single partition, Idempotent producer sends remove the possibility of duplicate messages due to producer or broker errors. To turn on this feature and get exactly-once semantics per partition—meaning no duplicates, no data loss, and in-order semantics—configure your producer to set “enable.idempotence=true”.

StephenLReed commented 5 years ago

From stackoverflow

I'm not using Kafka streams - but it is possible to do this with the normal Consumer.

First sort the partitions - this assumes you've already seeked to the offset in each you want or used Consumer Group to do it.

private List<List<ConsumerRecord<String, String>>> orderPartitions(ConsumerRecords<String, String> events) {

Set<TopicPartition> pollPartitions = events.partitions();
List<List<ConsumerRecord<String, String>>> orderEvents = new ArrayList<>();
for (TopicPartition tp : pollPartitions) {
// order the list by the first event, each list is ordered internally also
orderEvents.sort(new PartitionEventListComparator());
return orderEvents;



} Then just round robin the partitions to get the events in order - in practice I've found this to work.

            ConsumerRecords<String, String> events = consumer.poll(500);
            int totalEvents = events.count();
            log.debug("Polling topic - recieved " + totalEvents + " events");
            if (totalEvents == 0) {
                break;  // no more events

            List<List<ConsumerRecord<String, String>>> orderEvents = orderPartitions(events);

            int cnt = 0;
            // Each list is removed when it is no longer needed
            while (!orderEvents.isEmpty() && sent < max) {
                for (int j = 0; j < orderEvents.size(); j++) {
                    List<ConsumerRecord<String, String>> subList = orderEvents.get(j);
                    // The list contains no more events, or none in our time range, remove it
                    if (subList.size() < cnt + 1) {
                        log.debug("exhausted partition - removed");
                    ConsumerRecord<String, String> event = subList.get(cnt);


StephenLReed commented 5 years ago

image of 4 partitions each with dedicated consumer

StephenLReed commented 5 years ago

Updated benchmark to use 3 partitions.