ai-se / ResourcesDataDrivenSBSE

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Title of the paper? #23

Closed vivekaxl closed 6 years ago

vivekaxl commented 6 years ago

Current title: Data-Driven Search-Based SE. Why? How?

vivekaxl commented 6 years ago

Data-Driven Search-Based SE. Why? What? How?

vivekaxl commented 6 years ago

Introducing Data-Driven Search-Based SE

vivekaxl commented 6 years ago

Data-Driven Search-Based Software Engineering---inspired by Harman et al. "Search-Based Software Engineering".

vivekaxl commented 6 years ago

Can Software Analytics and Search-based SE converge?

vivekaxl commented 6 years ago

Attention: Software Analytics and Search-based SE, please assemble.

bigfatnoob commented 6 years ago

Data-Driven Search-based Software Analytics

markuswagnergithub commented 6 years ago

Why not go up one level and make it "Data-Driven Software Engineering"?

minkull commented 6 years ago

I like "Data-Driven Search-Based Software Engineering", or perhaps "Search-Based Data-Driven Software Engineering" is better. I think that this kind of title could really inspire a whole new area, pretty much like Mark's paper on "Search-Based Software Engineering".