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we are getting close to a release candidate #27

Closed timm closed 6 years ago

timm commented 6 years ago

now we can critique the overall flow of the document.

everyone: please critique!

timm commented 6 years ago

Fig1 is just frigging amazing. regular fucking work of fucking art. Go team!

currently our figures have a gray!20 background. Seems too dark. maybe switch all to gray!10?

timm commented 6 years ago

not sure about long lists (like in sections 5,6). kill those and make them text?

timm commented 6 years ago

not 100% convinced fastread fits our definition of ddSbse. if we run out of space, that might be one to go!

vivekaxl commented 6 years ago

Regarding section 5, 6 --- I followed the style used by Acuri in his paper. But, yes, we can get rid of the bullet points and use \noindent\textbf{X} instead. Please advise.

vivekaxl commented 6 years ago

After addressing #28 and #26, we might have around half a page more to work with.

vivekaxl commented 6 years ago

currently our figures have a gray!20 background. Seems too dark. maybe switch all to gray!10?


minkull commented 6 years ago

Is the latest version the one in ShareLatex?

vivekaxl commented 6 years ago

Is the latest version the one in ShareLatex?


minkull commented 6 years ago

Hi, I went through the paper adding some comments and making some alterations. Comments are in red using the TODO command. Some alterations (but not the tiny ones like fixing typos) are in blue, using the llm command. The alterations in the tutorial part are fixing some inaccuracies. If you don't agree with any of the alterations, give a shout!

PS: It's possible to just eliminate the colour blue from the command llm later on, if we don't want to remove every single one of the llm commands from there.