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what are the standard reference articles to SBSE? #30

Closed timm closed 6 years ago

timm commented 6 years ago

@inproceedings{harman2007current, title={The current state and future of search based software engineering}, author={Harman, Mark}, booktitle={2007 Future of Software Engineering}, pages={342--357}, year={2007}, organization={IEEE Computer Society} }

timm commented 6 years ago

@article{harman2012search, title={Search-based software engineering: Trends, techniques and applications}, author={Harman, Mark and Mansouri, S Afshin and Zhang, Yuanyuan}, journal={ACM Computing Surveys (CSUR)}, volume={45}, number={1}, pages={11}, year={2012}, publisher={ACM} }

timm commented 6 years ago

@inproceedings{de2011ten, title={Ten years of search based software engineering: A bibliometric analysis}, author={de Freitas, Fabr{\'\i}cio Gomes and de Souza, Jerffeson Teixeira}, booktitle={International Symposium on Search Based Software Engineering}, pages={18--32}, year={2011}, organization={Springer} }

timm commented 6 years ago

@article{harman2010search, title={Search based software engineering: Introduction to the special issue of the ieee transactions on software engineering}, author={Harman, Mark and Mansouri, Afshin}, journal={IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering}, volume={36}, number={6}, pages={737}, year={2010}, publisher={IEEE Computer Society} }

timm commented 6 years ago

@inproceedings{harman2014search, title={Search based software engineering for software product line engineering: a survey and directions for future work}, author={Harman, Mark and Jia, Yue and Krinke, Jens and Langdon, William B and Petke, Justyna and Zhang, Yuanyuan}, booktitle={Proceedings of the 18th International Software Product Line Conference-Volume 1}, pages={5--18}, year={2014}, organization={ACM} }

timm commented 6 years ago

@inproceedings{harman2004metrics, title={Metrics are fitness functions too}, author={Harman, Mark and Clark, John}, booktitle={Software Metrics, 2004. Proceedings. 10th International Symposium on}, pages={58--69}, year={2004}, organization={IEEE} }