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need examples of where one hand washes the other #7

Closed timm closed 6 years ago

timm commented 6 years ago

It turns out that SBSE has much to offer MSR:

further, MSR has much to offer SBSE particularly in the area of landscape analysis, surrogates, and explanation.

markuswagnergithub commented 6 years ago

Potentially off-topic, but I'll mention two alternatives to the classical surrogate anyway: 1) "incomplete information", as used in ( 1.1) in partial evaluation of solutions, only a small amount of information about the problem is revealed in each fitness evaluation (e.g. to decide which of two solutions is better, a small and randomly chosen sub-problem is used (same for both)) 1.2) in partial evaluation of populations, not all individuals in the population are evaluated (read: either evaluated, or simply carried along) --> it turns out that (on the benchmarks), very little information is needed for decent runtimes 2) The deep learning people do this all the time, e.g. by considering each of millions of pictures just ones while doing to massive deep learning thing.

timm commented 6 years ago

1.2) in partial evaluation of populations, not all individuals in the population are evaluated (read: either evaluated, or simply carried along)

this is the core of the active learning results. @vivekaxl routinely eats problems that (offically) have 10^4 to 10^6 combinations with < 100 evaluations

markuswagnergithub commented 6 years ago

"active learning" is now on my reading list, as it must differ from Bayesian optimisation and the likes, and from what some educators use in class-rooms.

timm commented 6 years ago

"active learning" is now on my reading list, as it must differ from Bayesian optimisation

i agree the term is broader than BO but is not bayesian parameter optimzation and example of AL?

markuswagnergithub commented 6 years ago

Yeah,... not clear. It seems to depend on whom you ask. I've read up on BO long time ago... wayyy too long ago. I need to revisit this after the deadlines.

timm commented 6 years ago

is there room for this in the paper? or is it out-of-scope?

markuswagnergithub commented 6 years ago

I'd say it is out-of-scope for now. This is already quite an overview of the most popular methods that a small (but elite) group has objectively put together.