ai-se / SMOTE

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what's the baseline? #23

Open WeiFoo opened 8 years ago

WeiFoo commented 8 years ago
WeiFoo commented 8 years ago

Linear SVM, non linear SVM for text mining ??

linear SVM is as good as non linear SVM

2002 Improving Multiclass Text Classification with the Support Vector Machine


WeiFoo commented 8 years ago

show to pick # of classes

2007 Fuzzy support vector machine for multi-class text categorization this paper pick top 4 as the class labels, and only four. see table 3

in this data set, the distribution of 4 classes are 51.3%, 33.6%, 7.5%, 7.5%

2011 A comparative study of TF*IDF, LSI and multi-words for text classification two data sets, both use 4 classes, roughly 25% for each class .