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white paper ideas for LAS #24

Open timm opened 7 years ago

timm commented 7 years ago

everyone please read and, in 1 week, propose ONE thing we could do for this work. (edited)

timm commented 7 years ago

from @azhe825

About the LAS 2018

ONE THING: Automation of hypothesize-test-evaluate discovery cycle for secondary studies.

Secondary study: summary of existing primary studies instead of innovative works (design of new methods, algorithms)

Why important:

How it maps to our current research: Hypothesize: hypothesize, research questions Test: review (search and selection) Evaluate: analyze relevant results (is there an answer already? requires innovative work?)

FASTREAD solves one part of Test.

Best Regards,

Zhe, Ph.D. scholar @ CS, NcState

timm commented 7 years ago

@azhe825: re Automation of hypothesize-test-evaluate discovery cycle for secondary studies.

how can we go from your text mining to model generation? might it be possible to learn predictor for supports, reject links between documents? query those links to decide where the next study should occur?

azhe825 commented 7 years ago

@timm Do you mean adding non-text features into the model? If so, I assume the answer is yes. However we need data to evaluate that.

amritbhanu commented 7 years ago

About the LAS 2018:

Title: Methods for developing understanding of low-level event data or large corpuses of unstructured text



bigfatnoob commented 7 years ago

Title: Characterizing Behavior of Heterogeneous Data.

Why its important?


dichen001 commented 7 years ago

Title: Parameter tuning with Bayes Optimization and Crowdsourcing.

Why it's important?


WeiFoo commented 7 years ago

Title: Privacy, Data Sharing in IoT



ginfung commented 7 years ago

Title: reducing the cost of machine learning algorithms within cloud environment

Why it's important?


vivekaxl commented 7 years ago

Title: Estimating cost for Analytic Workflows

Why it's important?

While working with a large dataset, it is very difficult for the analyst to determine the cost or the time required to finish a particular task. So, estimating the cost would be useful to quantify the effort required and can be used to deciding which of the several possible workflows to use.


Similar to the Fabolas, we can create a model for cost which is a function of data set size, machine learning technique and preprocessing techniques etc. This can also open options for transfer learning etc.

rahlk commented 7 years ago

Bug Triaging: Which bug to address when?

