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cya #117

Open timm opened 7 years ago

timm commented 7 years ago

FAQ q1: move into section 2

It is reasonable to asj what to do if users reject the analysis of the last section and start exploring the deeper left-hand-side branches. In that case, we would say that this would tell a requirements engineer that minimizing cost is not a primary goal of this software team. In that case, the requirements engineering would rerun SHORT, but remove the “minimizing cost” goal. That would lead to new alternatives which can be debated by the stakeholders. Note that it would not be a burdensome task to run SHORT a few extra times since, as shown below, SHORT runs in just a few seconds

timm commented 7 years ago

Move questions 2,3,4 above threats to validity in a section "Discussion"

timm commented 7 years ago

q2 becomes "application to other modeling types" within "discussion

timm commented 7 years ago

Within discussion

How can the method be used in practice and how can the method be applied in RE in practice?

The claim here is that this is more relevant that blah blah mention

timm commented 7 years ago

"What other metrics beside minimizing costs can be used as an input and how can you identify them?"

there is probably as many of these as user goals in software engineering.

function vs non-functional reqrements


also like goal eninggeering and say we need to support it as much as any other kind of engineering

as to how to find the goals, we refer the reader to the qualitative SE literature (e.g. the card sorts used by zimemrmann and others ) and the knowledge acquition literature

timm commented 7 years ago

five references card sorts and se

timm commented 7 years ago

references 3 26

timm commented 7 years ago

techreport{analyze-this-145-questions-for-data-scientists-in-software-engineering, author = {Begel, Andrew and Zimmermann, Tom}, title = {Analyze This! 145 Questions for Data Scientists in Software Engineering}, booktitle = {}, year = {2013}, month = {October}, abstract = {

In this paper, we present the results from two surveys related to data science applied to software engineering. The first survey solicited questions that software engineers would like to ask data scientists to investigate about software, software processes and practices, and about software engineers. Our analysis resulted in a list of 145 questions grouped into 12 categories. The second survey asked a different pool of software engineers to rate the 145 questions and identify the most important ones to work on first. Respondents favored questions that focus on how customers typically use their applications. We also see opposition to questions that assess the performance of individual employees or compare them to one another. Our categorization and catalog of 145 questions will help researchers, practitioners, and educators to more easily focus their efforts on topics that are important to the software industry.

This technical report has been published at the ICSE 2014 conference. For the definitive version, please refer to the version published in the conference proceedings:

The data appendix for this paper is here:

}, publisher = {Microsoft Research}, url = {}, address = {}, pages = {}, journal = {}, volume = {}, chapter = {}, isbn = {}, }