Closed kvnloughead closed 2 years ago
What is your CSS input? Are you sure that you have no color-adjust
I think it might be from bootstrap
Hello, I have an issue with this warning:
Replace color-adjust to print-color-adjust. The color-adjust shorthand is currently deprecated.
popping up multiple times for every scss file, whenever I run my tests. I believe that should have been fixed with, am I correct? Any suggestions for resolving this? I'm a rails newbie.
I'm using bootstrap 5.1.3, I'm not sure how relevant that is. Rails 7.0.3, and here's my Gemfile in case it is helpful. Thank you!
source "" git_source(:github) { |repo| "{repo}.git" }
ruby "3.1.2"
gem "rails", "7.0.3" gem "bcrypt", "3.1.18" gem "faker", "2.21.0" gem "will_paginate", "3.3.1" gem "bootstrap-will_paginate", "1.0.0" gem 'will_paginate-bootstrap-style', "0.2.4" gem "sassc-rails", "2.1.2" gem "sprockets-rails", "3.4.2" gem "importmap-rails", "1.1.0" gem "turbo-rails", "1.1.1" gem "stimulus-rails", "1.0.4" gem "jbuilder", "2.11.5" gem "puma", "5.6.4" gem "bootsnap", "1.12.0", require: false gem "autoprefixer-rails", "" gem "bootstrap", "~> 5.1.3"
gem "htmlbeautifier" gem "rufo"
group :development, :test do gem "sqlite3", "1.4.2" gem "debug", "1.5.0", platforms: %i[ mri mingw x64_mingw ] end
group :development do gem "web-console", "4.2.0" end
group :test do gem "capybara", "3.37.1" gem "selenium-webdriver", "4.2.0" gem "webdrivers", "5.0.0" gem "rails-controller-testing", "1.0.5" gem "minitest", "5.15.0" gem "minitest-reporters", "1.5.0" gem "guard", "2.18.0" gem "guard-minitest", "2.4.6" end
group :production do gem "pg", "1.3.5" end
Windows does not include zoneinfo files, so bundle the tzinfo-data gem.
Uncomment the following line if you're running Rails
on a native Windows system:
gem "tzinfo-data", platforms: [:mingw, :mswin, :x64_mingw, :jruby]