ai2es / WAF_ML_Tutorial_Part1

Python code to assist in familiarizing meteorologists with machine learning
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Dataset Q #23

Open ThomasMGeo opened 2 years ago

ThomasMGeo commented 2 years ago

Hi @dopplerchase , I am using the .nc file for a few demos, and was wondering how hard it would be to pull a little bit more data into that .nc file? Would be great if it was 2-6x larger both in time series and spatial extent. If this is a big lift, don't worry about it!

Thanks, Thomas

dopplerchase commented 2 years ago

Hi Thomas,

What files are you referencing?

Thanks, Randy

ThomasMGeo commented 2 years ago

Hi Randy,



dopplerchase commented 2 years ago


The spatial extent is the full extent of the original paper (

But I did cut the time dimension down. I could potentially extend this to a total of 48 time steps. Are you still interested in that?

Cheers, Randy

ThomasMGeo commented 2 years ago

Hi Randy,

That would be great! thanks.


ThomasMGeo commented 1 year ago

Any update on this @dopplerchase ? Thanks!