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Feedback Ownership MAS #10

Open leonvanbokhorst opened 1 month ago

leonvanbokhorst commented 1 month ago

A feedback session between student and coach is recorded, transcribed and fed to the MAS (crewai based). Thereafter, while using FeedPulse, a conversational AI talks to the student about the session with the sole goal of enhancing their ownership of the feedback by asking questions and nudging to take responsibility.

leonvanbokhorst commented 1 month ago

Comparative feedback does a couple of significant things:

  1. Enhances Critical Thinking: By evaluating each other's work, students sharpen their critical thinking and analytical skills. They learn to identify strengths and areas for improvement not just in others' work but also in their own, fostering a deeper level of self-reflection and critical engagement with the subject matter.

  2. Promotes a Learning Community: It nurtures a sense of community and collaboration. Learning becomes a shared journey, where successes and challenges are collectively experienced. This can be particularly effective in fields like software development and AI, where collaborative and iterative processes mirror professional practices.

  3. Encourages Constructive Feedback: Students learn the art of giving and receiving feedback. This is a valuable life skill, extending beyond academic boundaries into personal and professional realms. The emphasis on constructive feedback helps maintain a positive and supportive learning environment, encouraging growth and development.

  4. Democratizes Learning: It places students at the center of the learning process, empowering them to take an active role in their education. This can lead to increased engagement and motivation, as students feel more in control of their learning outcomes.

However, to keep the benefits flowing and ensure the approach remains effective, it's important to guide students on how to give constructive, actionable feedback. It's also valuable to periodically reflect on this process with your students, discussing what's working and where adjustments might enhance their learning experience even further.

leonvanbokhorst commented 1 month ago

Experts in Peer and Comparative Feedback in Education:

Papers and Resources:

Experts in AI and Educational Technology:

Papers on AI in Education:

leonvanbokhorst commented 1 month ago

Received enthusiastic feedback from Lennart today following my pitch. He recognized and underscored a critical weakness in our current feedback mechanism. The gap between receiving feedback and documenting its interpretation poses a significant challenge. Students often delay this crucial step, while instructors struggle to recall the details of the feedback session. This insight propels us towards rethinking our approach to streamline and synchronize these processes.