aiannacc / Goko-Salvager

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funky VP behavior (turning #VP on/off) #237

Open serakfalcon opened 10 years ago

serakfalcon commented 10 years ago

I was playing a game with my wife, we normally use the points tracker. My settings were always request, and her settings were default (always request and always refuse both not checked). I was the host. She didn't notice that her vp tracker wasn't on until after turn 5. However, when we put #vpx into the chat, it turned hers on and mine off. So, basically, it was impossible for both of us to both have the vp tracker. I propose that #vpx be followed by a non-ambiguous #vpon or #vpoff to prevent this behavior, or, if the host is always request, other players with the extension should have their vp tracker turned on (in the same way that a #vpoff host will force the vpoff for everybody-- or does that suffer from the same problem??)