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Create cluster #137

Open aibangjuxin opened 4 months ago

aibangjuxin commented 4 months ago

我使用gcloud 命令去创建一个CLUSTER . 前面的步骤都是好的 但是health check 始终过不去 。node pool 可以看到已经创建。 但是对应的node 始终获取不到对应的数据 可能的原因有哪些?​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​

当 Kubernetes 集群中的节点无法通过健康检查时,可能存在以下几种原因:

  1. 网络连接问题

    • 检查节点是否可以正常访问 Kubernetes API Server
    • 检查防火墙和网络设置是否正确配置,允许所需的端口和IP访问
  2. 节点资源不足

    • 检查节点的CPU、内存等资源是否充足
    • 确保节点有足够的资源来运行 kubelet 和 kube-proxy 等组件
  3. kubelet 问题

    • 检查 kubelet 服务是否正常运行
    • 查看 kubelet 日志,排查可能的错误和异常
  4. 证书问题

    • 确保节点和控制平面使用正确的证书进行通信
    • 检查证书的有效期和权限设置
  5. 内核参数设置

    • 检查内核参数如 vm.swappiness、kernel.pid_max 等是否设置正确
  6. 容器运行时问题

    • 确保节点上配置的容器运行时(如 Docker)正常运行
    • 检查容器运行时的日志
  7. 第三方软件问题

    • 如果使用了第三方网络或存储插件,检查这些插件是否正常工作


  1. 检查节点状态 kubectl get nodes
  2. 查看节点详细信息及事件 kubectl describe node <node-name>
  3. 查看 kubelet 日志 /var/log/kubelet.log
  4. 检查网络连通性
  5. 检查资源使用情况
  6. 检查证书情况
  7. 检查容器运行时日志


aibangjuxin commented 4 months ago


  1. 网络配置问题: 确保您的节点可以访问健康检查所需的端口和协议。检查网络安全组规则、防火墙设置以及网络策略是否正确配置,确保允许健康检查流量通过。

  2. 健康检查配置错误: 检查健康检查的配置是否正确。确保健康检查的路径、端口和协议与您的应用程序配置相匹配。

  3. 节点故障: 检查节点是否正常运行。您可以通过检查节点的日志、监控指标或使用 kubectl get nodes 命令来确认节点的状态。

  4. 节点配置问题: 确保节点的配置与集群的要求相匹配。例如,确保节点的机型、操作系统和软件版本与您的应用程序兼容。

  5. 健康检查超时: 如果健康检查超时设置过短,可能会导致健康检查失败。尝试增加健康检查的超时时间,以确保节点有足够的时间响应健康检查。

  6. 服务端应用问题: 如果健康检查检测的是服务端应用,确保服务端应用已正确部署并正在运行。检查应用程序的日志以查找任何错误或异常。


aibangjuxin commented 4 months ago

There could be several reasons why health checks for your GKE cluster are failing, even though the node pool has been created successfully and nodes cannot retrieve corresponding data. Some potential causes include:

  1. Firewall rules: Ensure firewall rules allow traffic between nodes and required services like Kubernetes API server or other dependencies.
  2. Incorrect configuration: Verify if there are any misconfigurations related to networking settings, resource allocation limits, etc., within your cluster setup.
  3. Resource exhaustion: If resources like CPU, memory, or storage are exhausted on worker nodes due to high load or insufficient capacity, it can cause issues during health checks.
  4. Container runtime errors: Investigate container runtimes such as Docker or Containerd logs for possible errors preventing successful startup of containers.
  5. Kubernetes control plane issues: Check the status of kubelet, etcd, and other core components running inside each node by reviewing their respective log files.
  6. Pod scheduling failures: Analyze pod events and logs to determine if there are any scheduler errors causing delays in assigning workloads to available nodes.
  7. Image pull policy: Confirm whether images used in deployments have proper access permissions from where they are being pulled; incorrect policies may result in failed downloads leading to unsuccessful health checks.
  8. Network plugins: Inspect network plugin configurations ensuring seamless communication among different parts of the system without disruptions.
  9. Disk space & inode usage: Examine disk utilization stats across all nodes since low disk space or excessive inode consumption might interfere with normal operations.
  10. GKE version compatibility: Make sure the chosen GKE version is compatible with underlying infrastructure and supports all features utilized in your project.

To diagnose further, consider checking kubectl describe outputs for affected objects (nodes, pods), analyzing Cloud Logging entries, or utilizing built-in monitoring tools provided by Google Cloud Platform.

aibangjuxin commented 4 months ago

Frustrating! 😞

There are several reasons why your health check might be failing, even though your node pool is created successfully. Here are some possible causes:

  1. Firewall rules: Ensure that the necessary firewall rules are in place to allow traffic from the health check service to reach your nodes. You can check the firewall rules using gcloud compute firewall-rules list.
  2. Network policies: Verify that your network policies are not blocking the health check traffic. You can check the network policies using gcloud compute network-policies list.
  3. Node configuration: Double-check that your node configuration is correct, including the instance template, machine type, and boot disk settings.
  4. Health check configuration: Review your health check configuration to ensure it's correctly set up. You can check the health check configuration using gcloud compute health-checks describe <health-check-name>.
  5. Node startup time: It's possible that the nodes are taking longer than expected to start up, causing the health check to fail. You can check the node startup time using gcloud compute instances describe <instance-name> --zone <zone>.
  6. Instance metadata: Ensure that the instance metadata is correctly set up, including the startup-script and metadata fields.
  7. Network connectivity: Verify that the nodes have network connectivity and can reach the health check service. You can check the network connectivity using gcloud compute instances describe <instance-name> --zone <zone> --format="get(networkInterfaces[0].accessConfigs[0].natIP)"
  8. Health check timeout: Check the health check timeout value. If it's set too low, the health check might be timing out before the nodes are fully started.
  9. Node pool size: If you're using a small node pool size, it's possible that the health check is failing due to the lack of available nodes.
  10. GCP service issues: Although rare, it's possible that there are issues with the GCP service itself. You can check the GCP status page for any known issues.

To troubleshoot further, you can try the following:

If none of these suggestions help, please provide more details about your setup, including the gcloud commands you used to create the cluster and node pool, and any error messages you've seen. I'll do my best to help you troubleshoot the iss

aibangjuxin commented 4 months ago

在使用 gcloud 命令创建 GKE (Google Kubernetes Engine) 集群时,如果在 health check 阶段遇到问题,导致节点无法正确注册或获取数据,可能的原因包括但不限于以下几点:

  1. 网络配置问题:可能是由于网络配置不当,如防火墙规则、路由问题或 VPC 网络配置错误,导致节点无法与集群控制平面通信【6】。

  2. 节点配置错误:节点配置可能存在问题,例如节点的机器类型选择不当、磁盘大小不足或镜像类型错误。

  3. 自动扩展配置:如果启用了自动扩展,相关的配置错误(如最小节点数、最大节点数等)可能导致节点无法正常注册或被自动移除。

  4. 健康检查配置:健康检查配置不当,如健康检查超时设置不当或健康检查端口错误,可能导致节点健康检查失败。

  5. 权限和授权问题:可能是由于权限问题,导致 gcloud 无法正确访问或操作 GCP 资源。

  6. GCP 服务状态:GCP 服务可能存在问题,可以检查 Google Cloud Service Health 状态页面【10】。

  7. 节点池创建问题:在创建节点池时,如果命令参数有误或资源不足,可能导致节点无法创建或注册【7】。

  8. 自动修复和升级问题:如果启用了节点自动修复或自动升级,配置不当可能导致节点处于不断修复或升级的状态。

  9. 日志和错误信息:检查创建过程中的日志和错误信息,它们可以提供更多关于问题的线索。

  10. GKE 版本兼容性:使用的 GKE 版本或 Kubernetes 版本可能与集群配置不兼容。

解决这类问题通常需要检查具体的配置和日志信息,以确定问题的具体原因。如果问题依然无法解决,可以考虑联系 GCP 支持获取帮助。同时,确保遵循 GCP 的最佳实践和文档指南,以避免常见的配置错误。

aibangjuxin commented 4 months ago

在使用 Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE) 时,如果在 health check 阶段遇到问题,通常是由于配置错误或环境设置不当导致的。以下是一些解决此类问题的方法和步骤:

1. 检查和配置正确的健康检查协议

确保在 Kubernetes 的 Service 和 Ingress 配置中正确设置了健康检查协议。例如,如果你的应用使用的是 gRPC,你需要确保在 Service 的注解中指定使用 HTTP/2 协议,并且 Ingress 能够正确创建对应的健康检查。这包括在后端配置中指定正确的路径和端口[1]。

2. 使用 BackendConfig 自定义健康检查

通过创建一个 BackendConfig 资源,你可以自定义健康检查的行为,包括检查的路径、端口和协议。这可以帮助解决由于默认健康检查设置不正确导致的问题。确保 BackendConfig 被正确关联到相应的 Kubernetes Service[2]。

3. 配置和验证 TLS 设置

如果你的服务需要通过 HTTPS 提供,确保正确配置了 TLS 证书,并且健康检查也应该通过 HTTPS 进行。不正确的 TLS 配置可能导致健康检查失败,因为健康检查无法建立安全的连接[1]。

4. 检查防火墙规则

确保 GKE 集群的防火墙规则允许健康检查流量。如果防火墙规则配置不正确,健康检查请求可能会被阻止,导致健康检查失败。你可以通过 gcloud 命令创建允许健康检查的防火墙规则[3][4]。

5. 调试和日志分析

如果上述步骤无法解决问题,你可以通过查看 GKE 和 Google Cloud 的日志来进一步调试问题。检查相关的后端服务和健康检查的日志,看看是否有错误信息或者警告信息。此外,确保你的应用程序能够在指定的健康检查路径上返回 HTTP 200 响应[4][5]。

通过上述步骤,你应该能够诊断并解决在 GKE 集群创建过程中遇到的健康检查问题。如果问题仍然存在,建议联系 Google Cloud 支持团队获取更专业的帮助。

Sources [1] Struggling to figure out why the ingress health check is failing [2] Broken GKE Backend Health Check Default - Server Fault [3] 使用手动Envoy 注入功能设置Google Kubernetes Engine Pod [4] Google Kubernetes Ingress health check always failing - Stack Overflow [5] Troubleshooting Deployments on Google Cloud [6] Incident affecting Google Kubernetes Engine [7] Troubleshoot load balancing in GKE | Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE) [8] Troubleshooting | Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE) [9] How to troubleshoot unhealthy backends in Google Cloud Load ... [10] 通过独立区域级NEG 实现容器原生负载均衡机制| Google Kubernetes ... [11] 排查节点注册问题| Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE) [12] 使用节点自动预配功能| Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE) [13] [PDF] NetBackup™ Snapshot Manager 安装和升级指南: Ubuntu、RHEL ... [14] GKEを使用している時に陥りがちな罠とトラブルシューティングについて [15] Jobs | Kubernetes [16] Docker: Accelerated Container Application Development [17] GKE私有集群节点状态始终为未知 - 火山引擎 [18] GKE K8 HPA 无法获取Stackdriver 指标。 - 火山引擎 [19] 为什么我不能在完全管理的kubernetes中获得主节点信息?-腾讯云 ...

aibangjuxin commented 4 months ago

I'd be happy to help you troubleshoot the issue with creating a cluster using the gcloud command and the health check failing.

Here are some possible reasons why the health check might be failing:

  1. Incorrect health check configuration: Double-check that you've configured the health check correctly. Make sure you've specified the correct protocol, port, and timeout values.
  2. Node pool not fully provisioned: It's possible that the node pool is not fully provisioned, which can cause the health check to fail. Check the node pool's status using gcloud container clusters describe <cluster-name> --format="get(nodePools[0].status)" and wait for the status to change to "RUNNING" or "UPDATING".
  3. Node not yet ready: It's possible that the node is not yet ready to accept traffic. Check the node's status using gcloud container clusters describe <cluster-name> --format="get(nodes[0].status)" and wait for the status to change to "RUNNING" or "UPDATING".
  4. Firewall rules not configured correctly: Ensure that the firewall rules are configured correctly to allow traffic to the node. Check the firewall rules using gcloud compute firewall-rules list --format="get(name)" and verify that the rules allow traffic to the node.
  5. Node not reachable: It's possible that the node is not reachable due to network issues. Check the node's IP address using gcloud container clusters describe <cluster-name> --format="get(nodes[0].address)" and verify that you can ping the IP address.
  6. Health check timeout: The health check might be timing out due to a slow node or network issues. You can increase the timeout value using the --health-check-timeout flag when creating the cluster.
  7. Node not configured correctly: Ensure that the node is configured correctly, including the correct DNS settings and network configuration.
  8. GKE version issues: Ensure that you're running the latest version of GKE. You can check the version using gcloud container clusters describe <cluster-name> --format="get(version)".

To troubleshoot the issue, you can try the following:

  1. Check the cluster's logs using gcloud logging read <cluster-name> --format="get(logName)" to see if there are any errors or warnings.
  2. Check the node's logs using gcloud logging read <cluster-name> --format="get(logName)" to see if there are any errors or warnings.
  3. Use the gcloud container clusters describe <cluster-name> --format="get(nodes[0].status)" command to check the node's status.
  4. Use the gcloud compute firewall-rules list --format="get(name)" command to check the firewall rules.

If none of these suggestions help, please provide more details about your cluster configuration and the error messages you're seeing, and I'll do my best to help you troubleshoot the issue.

aibangjuxin commented 4 months ago

GKE 集群健康检查失败的可能原因及排查步骤

在使用 gcloud 命令创建 GKE 集群时,如果遇到健康检查始终无法通过的问题,可能的原因有很多。以下是一些常见原因和排查步骤:

1. 节点池配置问题:

2. 网络问题:

3. 权限问题:

4. 其他问题:


  1. 查看集群事件: 使用 gcloud container clusters describe CLUSTER_NAME 命令查看集群事件,了解集群创建过程中的错误和警告信息。
  2. 查看节点池状态: 使用 gcloud container node-pools describe NODE_POOL_NAME --cluster CLUSTER_NAME 命令查看节点池状态,例如节点数量、机器类型和镜像。
  3. 查看节点状态: 使用 kubectl get nodes 命令查看节点状态,例如 Ready 状态、角色和版本。
  4. 查看节点日志: 使用 kubectl logs NODE_NAME 命令查看节点日志,了解节点启动过程中的错误和警告信息。


希望以上信息能帮助您解决 GKE 集群健康检查失败的问题。