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Token #162

Open aibangjuxin opened 3 months ago

aibangjuxin commented 3 months ago


  1. 获取Token:首先,你需要一个获取Token的API,通常这是OAuth2或JWT(JSON Web Tokens)的一部分。你可以使用HTTP的POST请求来获取Token,通常需要提供客户端ID、客户端密钥、用户名和密码等信息。获取到的Token通常会包含一个过期时间。

  2. Token存储:获取到Token后,你应该将其存储在内存中(如果应用是单例的)或者一个安全的地方,如Java的HttpSession或者使用缓存服务如Redis。同时,你也需要存储Token的获取时间和过期时间。

  3. 检查Token的有效性:在发送请求之前,你应该检查Token是否过期。如果当前时间超过Token的过期时间,那么你需要重新获取Token。你可以设置一个较小的时间窗口,比如在Token真正过期前5秒就开始尝试刷新,以防止因网络延迟导致的请求失败。

  4. 自动刷新Token:如果可能,尝试使用一个可以自动刷新的机制。许多OAuth2服务提供了一个刷新Token的API,你可以使用这个刷新Token来获取新的Token,而不需要用户重新登录。

  5. 错误处理:当发送请求时,如果收到401(未授权)或403(禁止)错误,这可能是因为Token过期。你应该捕获这些错误,然后尝试重新获取和使用新的Token,然后再重试请求。

  6. 并发处理:在多线程环境中,需要确保在获取新Token时的线程安全,防止多个线程同时尝试获取新Token。

  7. 超时和重试策略:对于获取Token或发送请求,可以设置适当的超时和重试策略,以防止因网络问题导致的失败。


public class TokenManager {
    private String token;
    private long expirationTime;

    public synchronized String getToken() {
        if (System.currentTimeMillis() > expirationTime) {
            // 重新获取Token
            token = fetchNewToken();
            expirationTime = System.currentTimeMillis() + tokenExpiresIn; // 假设tokenExpiresIn是Token的过期时间(以毫秒为单位)
        return token;

    private String fetchNewToken() {
        // 发送POST请求获取新Token

public class RequestSender {
    private TokenManager tokenManager;

    public void sendRequest() {
        String token = tokenManager.getToken();
        // 使用token发送请求


aibangjuxin commented 3 months ago

I understand your requirements. Here are some best practices for token acquisition and request sending that may help you:

  1. Use a token manager: Create a separate class or module that is responsible for acquiring and managing tokens. This token manager can handle token acquisition, storage, and refresh logic.
  2. Cache tokens: Store the acquired token in a cache (e.g., in-memory or using a caching library like Redis) with a TTL (time-to-live) that is slightly shorter than the token's expiration time. This way, you can quickly retrieve the token without having to re-acquire it every time.
  3. Check token validity: Before sending a request, check the token's validity by verifying its expiration time. If the token is close to expiring (e.g., within 5 seconds), refresh the token before sending the request.
  4. Refresh tokens proactively: Instead of waiting for a 403 error to occur, proactively refresh the token when it's close to expiring. You can use a scheduling library like Quartz or a simple timer to refresh the token at regular intervals (e.g., every 25 seconds for a 30-second token).
  5. Use a retry mechanism: Implement a retry mechanism for failed requests (e.g., due to 403 errors). When a request fails, retry the request with a new token.
  6. Synchronize token acquisition: If multiple threads or requests need to acquire tokens simultaneously, synchronize the token acquisition process to prevent multiple threads from acquiring tokens at the same time.

Here's a high-level example of how you could implement this in Java:

public class TokenManager {
    private String token;
    private long expirationTime;

    public synchronized String getToken() {
        if (System.currentTimeMillis() > expirationTime) {
            // Refresh token
            token = acquireNewToken();
            expirationTime = System.currentTimeMillis() + tokenExpiresIn; // assume tokenExpiresIn is the token's expiration time in milliseconds
        return token;

    private String acquireNewToken() {
        // Implement token acquisition logic here

public class RequestSender {
    private TokenManager tokenManager;

    public void sendRequest() {
        String token = tokenManager.getToken();
        // Use the token to send the request

In this example, the TokenManager class is responsible for acquiring and managing tokens. The getToken() method checks the token's validity and refreshes it if necessary. The RequestSender class uses the TokenManager to get a valid token before sending the request.

By implementing these best practices, you should be able to ensure that your API uses a valid token for each request and minimizes the occurrence of 403 errors.