aiberlin / NTMI
GNU General Public License v3.0
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show connected devices on main gui #8

Open adcxyz opened 5 years ago

adcxyz commented 5 years ago

the main gui should show which devices are currently connected.

For midi and hid, we only need to check whether the device is present:

[\midi, \hid].collect { |prot| { |mk| 
        mk.desc.protocol == prot and: 
        { mk.hasDevice }

For OSC, we can check which network we are in:

// macOS only:
unixCmdGetStdOut("(/System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/Apple80211.framework/Versions/Current/Resources/airport -I | awk -F': ' '/ SSID/ {print $2}')")

or we check which of the possible OSC devices has already sent values.

adcxyz commented 5 years ago

Actually, Modality could provide an overview gui for MKtl.all which shows:

And further, NTMI could have a menu of known scripts for devices, and auto-load the ones for which the device is connected ...

adcxyz commented 11 months ago

steps taken toward this: Butz interfaces shows the prepared ones, and NTMI checks for connected known devices and could load their MKtl scripts if there...