aichaos / rivescript-go

A RiveScript interpreter for Go. RiveScript is a scripting language for chatterbots.
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Various modernization efforts #48

Closed kirsle closed 1 year ago

kirsle commented 1 year ago

This update will dust some cobwebs off of rivescript-go and bring some nice modernized features that the JavaScript version (especially) had going for it already.

This will provide version 0.4.0 for rivescript-go.

v0.4.0 - Aug 15, 2023

This update will modernize the Go port of RiveScript bringing some of the newer features that were available on the JavaScript or Python ports.

The ?Keyword Command

This update adds support for the newer ?Keyword command in RiveScript.

This command works around a Unicode matching bug that affected the Go, JavaScript and Python ports of RiveScript. For example:

// You wanted this trigger to match if "你好" appears anywhere
// in a user's message, but it wasn't working before.
+ [*] 你好 [*]
- 你好!

// Now: use the ?Keyword command in place of +Trigger
? 你好
- 你好!

The optional wildcard [*] syntax didn't work when paired with Unicode symbols because the regular expression that [*] is turned into (which involves "word boundary" or \b characters) only worked with ASCII latin characters. The ?Keyword command works around this by translating into a +Trigger that tries every combination of literal word, wildcard on either or both sides, and optional wildcard, to ensure that your keyword trigger will indeed match your keyword anywhere in the user's message.

CaseSensitive User Message Support

By default RiveScript would always lowercase the user's message as it comes in. If this is undesirable and you'd like to preserve their actual capitalization (when it gets captured by wildcards and comes out in their <star> tags), provide the new CaseSensitive boolean to your RiveScript constructor:

bot := rivescript.New(&rivescript.Config{
    CaseSensitive: true,

The built-in rivescript command line program adds a -case parameter to enable this option for testing:

rivescript -case /path/to/brain

JavaScript Object Macros

The official JavaScript object macro support library has a couple of exciting new updates.

Firstly, the JavaScript engine has been replaced from with which should provide a better quality of life for writing JavaScript functions for your bot. Goja supports many of the modern ES6+ features including the let and const keyword and arrow functions.

Additionally, the Goja runtime will be exposed at the .VM accessor for the JavaScriptHandler class, so you can directly play with it and set global variables or Go functions that can be called from your JavaScript macros in your bot, allowing for much greater extensibility.

Other Changes

kirsle commented 1 year ago

Fixes #45