aichaos / rivescript-wd

The RiveScript Working Draft describes the language specification for RiveScript.
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Add map and array support #1

Open kirsle opened 9 years ago

kirsle commented 9 years ago

Add support for hash maps and arrays in RiveScript.


Maps would be global variables (like bot variables). Their purpose is to hold simple key/value style data to simplify the reply structure for holding knowledge (examples would be: capitals of the states, etc.)

Syntax example:

// Define a map name and add key/value pairs one at a time
! map capitals CA = Sacramento
! map capitals MI = Lansing

// Define a map, provide the mappings immediately
! map capitals =
^ CA = Sacramento
^ MI = Lansing

// This would also have worked, but isn't as readable and won't be
// the preferred syntax:
! map capitals = CA = Sacramento
^ MI = Lansing

// If you "re-define" a map using the above syntax (provide the mappings
// immediately) on a map that already exists, your new key/value pairs
// will be merged with the existing ones. So you can add key/value pairs
// in bulk multiple times throughout your code with no problems. Map keys
// are always unique, though, so if you use the same key twice the value
// will be overwritten.

// Example of maps in use:
+ what is the capital of _
* <exists capitals <uppercase>> == true => The capital of <uppercase> is:\s
  ^ <map capitals <uppercase>>.
- I don't know what the capital of <uppercase> is.

New tags added to support maps:

Some syntax ideas to support maps as user variables.

+ i have a (@colors) *
- <set %colors:<star1>=<star2>>Okay.

+ do you know about my *
* <get %colors:<star>> != undefined => Yes, your\s
  ^ <star> was colored <get %colors:<star>> right?
- You didn't tell me what color it is.

Human> I have a blue car Bot> Okay. Human> Do you know about my car? Bot> Yes, your car was colored blue right?

The existing <get> and <set> tags would be repurposed for map variables. A map variable always has its name prefixed with a % symbol (like in Perl). To refer to a specific key, use a colon symbol ":".

Sets would be arrays for user variables, for holding a list of things in one variable.

Syntax examples:

+ i like the color *
- <add @color=<star>>I'll remember that you like <star>.

+ what colors do i like
- You like: <get @color>.
// would output e.g.: "You like: red, green, blue."

Existing variable-setting tags would be re-used, but array names are prefixed with an @ symbol.

Sets would work like the data type of the same name in Python: its contents would be de-duplicated. If you add the same item to the set twice, it only ends up going in one time.


Some ideas to support iterating over set elements without making the syntax too ugly?

+ what are my favorite colors
* <get @colors:length> >= 2 => They are:\s
  ^ {iter @colors[:-1]}<item>,{/iter} and <get @colors[-1]>.
* <get @colors:length> == 1 => There is only <get @colors[0]>.
- You didn't tell me any.

Human> What are my favorite colors? (if they have 2 or more) Bot> They are: red, blue, yellow, and green. (if they have 1) Bot> There is only red. (if none) Bot> You didn't tell me any.


Array index slices would work like in Python, so colors[:-1] meant "all colors except for the last one", example:

>>> colors = ["red", "blue", "yellow", "green"]
>>> colors[:-1]
['red', 'blue', 'yellow']