aichingm / rfc2epub

rfc2epub - create an epub ebook from an IETF RFC
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reflow or not? #2

Open Skeeve opened 4 years ago

Skeeve commented 4 years ago

I tried it once but what I received was an epub without "reflown" paragraphs. Even worse. My Pocketbook Touch HD didn't even break lines.

Is this teh intended output? Should the epub match as closely as possible the original monospaced layout of RFCs?

aichingm commented 4 years ago

This is indeed intended. Since some RFCs ( use spaces and ascii characters to format diagrams and other things reflowing lines would break those formats.

Is this teh intended output? Should the epub match as closely as possible the original monospaced layout of RFCs?

Yes that was my idea. It is the only way to to keep text formatted diagrams the way they should be displayed.

I included some fonts that I used to fit the monospaced text to the size of my kindle. Have a look at the -F and -L options.

Skeeve commented 4 years ago

I was thinking about how to implement some automatics which would render normal paragraphs as reflowable and other stuff as monospaced, preformatted, but I didn't start any coding yet. Still wondering whether or not it's worth the effort…

aichingm commented 4 years ago

I don't no if it is possible or how it would be possible to implement such a automation, but I haven't spend any time researching it either. If it is something you need, by all means go a head and if you have any questions I'm happy to help!