aickin / react-dom-stream

A streaming server-side rendering library for React.
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Moving to react 15.0 #18

Open Laiff opened 8 years ago

Laiff commented 8 years ago

I see work in progress. Do you wanted an contributor for improve this awesome project?

aickin commented 8 years ago

Hey @Laiff, there is indeed some work in progress, although I'm a bit conflicted about how to go forward with it. Here's the situation right now:

I have a WIP branch based on the React 0.15 branch that passes almost all the tests. The downside is that for this WIP I tried a new, more maintainable implementation strategy, and it's quite a bit slower than the current impl. I'm trying to figure out if there's a way to speed it up.

Simultaneously, I'm in active discussion with the React core team to see if I can merge my work in some time in the future, which is why I tried a more maintainable strategy in the first place.

I'm thinking that it makes more sense to pour energy into getting stuff merged into core rather than porting to 15.0, but I'm willing to hear disagreeing viewpoints.

As for your very generous offer of contribution, I'm not entirely sure what I need right now. Soon (in a week or three?), if I can't get my new strategy to work well enough, I might need some help from someone who knows a lot about optimizing for node. Is that something you have experience with?

Edited to add: and thanks for the offer, of course!

jbrantly commented 8 years ago

I'm thinking that it makes more sense to pour energy into getting stuff merged into core rather than porting to 15.0, but I'm willing to hear disagreeing viewpoints.

FWIW, I agree with you. It would be fantastic to get this merged into the core, and that should probably be the focus.

Jaikant commented 8 years ago

Hey, this is a really cool project! Any news about merging with the core?

jknight12882 commented 8 years ago

+1 on this.

FullStackForger commented 8 years ago

+1 from me too. Hey Sasha @aickin. Do you have any plans for the merge in the near future?

elodszopos commented 7 years ago

@aickin hey man, any updates on how this will pan out? Maybe I can also take a look at the WIP branch and give you a hand? I'd need a little more info though on where you left things off.

markudevelop commented 7 years ago

We need this

isaachinman commented 7 years ago

Is this ever going to happen, or does anyone know of a viable alternative?