aidancbrady / DefenseTech

Missiles and high-tech explosives: Calclavia's work continued.
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Antimatter can't be crafted #48

Open scottwwe11 opened 7 years ago

scottwwe11 commented 7 years ago

the reason I say this is beacuse you need Fire to create it and you cannot get the block fire,

QuantumTraverse commented 7 years ago

use Minetweaker and edit the recipe to something else achievable or Antimatter from some other mod

scottwwe11 commented 7 years ago

And where does one find that. as Ill be honest with you. I am on Voltz Recharged where I have my own server... and I don't know how to edit recipies

QuantumTraverse commented 7 years ago

Use MineTweaker to edit recipes. It's not too hard.

My minetweaker code is as follows:

var Antimatter = <NuclearCraft:antimatter>;
var Nuke = <DefenseTech:explosives:15>;
var AntimatterBomb = <DefenseTech:explosives:21>; 
 [[Antimatter, Antimatter, Antimatter],
  [Antimatter, Nuke, Antimatter],
  [Antimatter, Antimatter, Antimatter]]);
QuantumTraverse commented 7 years ago

In your minecraft folder, there should be a folder called "scripts". If there isn't, make one. Inside this folder create a brand new plain text document (.txt), write the script I wrote above for you in it, and call it recipe.zs. If you wish to change what I defined as Antimatter, simply replace the item ID inside of the carrot brackets. Upon your next launch, it should have changed the recipe. If not execute the command "/mt reload" and that should fix it. Please note that scripts are stored server side, meaning that only the server needs that script, and the people joining don't actually need to have it.

Felkey commented 7 years ago

you can also use minetweaker recipe maker to have a gui version of minetweaker for basic crafting recipes

RobinEH commented 6 years ago

As I had the same issue and found this thread, this version of @QuantumTraverse 's MineTweaker code worked for me playing Project Ozone 2: Reloaded :

var Antimatter = <DefenseTech:explosives>;
var Nuke = <DefenseTech:explosives:15>;
var AntimatterBomb = <DefenseTech:explosives:21>; 
 [[Antimatter, Antimatter, Antimatter],
  [Antimatter, Nuke, Antimatter],
  [Antimatter, Antimatter, Antimatter]]);

This as NuclearCraft is not part of this pack. My apologies if it sounds redundant, but it took me some time to understand so I'm sure there are others who don't get what to change.