aidanhs / libtclpy

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in tcl starkit, i import tclpy, when the python code get an error, the when i execute any other python code, the python interpreter always return this "[Failed to get python exception details (#e_ltp01)] ----- tcl -> python interface -----" #7

Closed sunflowerWithBrightRedApple closed 5 months ago

sunflowerWithBrightRedApple commented 5 months ago

I wrap my script in a tcl starkit, inthe starkit console i import tclpy, when the python code get an error, then when i execute any other python code, the python interpreter always return this "[Failed to get python exception details (#e_ltp01)] ----- tcl -> python interface -----", but if do not use starkit it work fine, and return the python error normaly, so in starkit i have to restart the starkit 1705037745744

sunflowerWithBrightRedApple commented 5 months ago

ok, that is the problem of tclkit, this tclkit do not include the debug part, use the complete version tclkit, this website can download, carefull download the TclKits with Extensions Included