Title: Implement User Authentication with Firebase
Implement a user authentication system using Firebase Authentication in our FastAPI application. The system will allow users to log in with their email and password, generating a custom token upon successful authentication. This task includes setting up the necessary endpoints, error handling, and debugging.
Setup Firebase Authentication:
Initialize Firebase Admin SDK in the FastAPI application.
Ensure Firebase is correctly configured with the project credentials.
Implement /token Endpoint:
Create a POST /token endpoint to handle user login.
Generate a custom Firebase token upon successful login.
Handle errors for invalid credentials and user not found.
Implement /users/me Endpoint (In Progress):
Create a GET /users/me endpoint to return the authenticated user's information.
Validate the token received from the /token endpoint.
Fetch and return user details from Firestore.
Testing and Debugging:
Test the /token endpoint to ensure it generates a valid token.
Debug and resolve issues with the /users/me endpoint.
Add necessary logging and debugging information for tracing and diagnosing issues.
Current Status:
The /token endpoint has been successfully implemented and tested.
The /users/me endpoint is commented out due to a bug with token validation.
Next Steps:
Resolve the issue with the /users/me endpoint.
Ensure the endpoint correctly validates the token and returns user information.
Add unit tests to ensure the reliability of the authentication system.
Test Login Functionality: Verify that the login functionality works correctly by authenticating with Firebase and fetching user-specific data (ensure endpoints functioning properly)
Title: Implement User Authentication with Firebase
Description: Implement a user authentication system using Firebase Authentication in our FastAPI application. The system will allow users to log in with their email and password, generating a custom token upon successful authentication. This task includes setting up the necessary endpoints, error handling, and debugging.
Current Status: