aidanns / vagrant-reload

A plugin that allows you to reload a Vagrant plugin as a provisioning step.
MIT License
174 stars 37 forks source link

Explain the problem this solves? #1

Open brandondrew opened 10 years ago

brandondrew commented 10 years ago

Sorry, but can you explain what problem this solves? It's a bit unclear to me why you'd use this.


thomaswelton commented 10 years ago

If you as using an ubuntu base box, and then the built in docker provisioner if you try to ssh into you box docker will not be available as it requires a system reboot. This plugin add a reboot as part of the provisioning process

mahmoudimus commented 9 years ago

+1 that is a great explanation, @thomaswelton. Here's some github issues created on docker/vagrant for this:


StefanScherer commented 9 years ago

Thanks for this plugin. For a Windows box this is also very useful to continue provisioning after a reboot. But is it possible to place this provision step in between others? So that after the reload another shell provisioner can continue the provisioning? I think of base provisioning, join a domain, reboot, continue provisioning in the domain...

StefanScherer commented 9 years ago

Big +1! Even provisioning after reload works:

    config.vm.provision "shell", path: "scripts/provision.bat"

    config.vm.provision :serverspec do |spec|
      spec.pattern = 'test/*_spec.rb'

    config.vm.provision :reload

    config.vm.provision "shell", path: "scripts/provision-after-reboot.bat"
StefanScherer commented 9 years ago

I have moved your pluing in the Available Vagrant Plugins page from Uncategorized up to Provisioners. That could help others find your plugin more easily.