Installed from pip, rasterio doesn't support less-common data formats out of the box. This affects two datasets I've tested, ltdr_ndvi and modis_lst. I'm working on the ltdr_ndvi fix now, and leaving this issue so that we can revisit modis_lst.
build rasterio with more expansive gdal file support (not from pip wheel). There are two ways I've tested to achieve this:
The easiest way I could find to determine the correct gdal path to use to load an image
from osgeo import gdal
# load raster file
ds = gdal.Open("modis.hdf", gdal.GA_ReadOnly)
# print list of sub datasets in the file
Installed from pip, rasterio doesn't support less-common data formats out of the box. This affects two datasets I've tested, ltdr_ndvi and modis_lst. I'm working on the ltdr_ndvi fix now, and leaving this issue so that we can revisit modis_lst.
conda install -c conda-forge rasterio
pip install --force-reinstall --no-binary rasterio rasterio
load modis_lst file using rasterio instead of pyhdf
The easiest way I could find to determine the correct gdal path to use to load an image