aidenk1 / Notebook

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AlgoRythmic Dances #13

Open aidenk1 opened 6 months ago

aidenk1 commented 6 months ago

Inserted Sorting

How it works is you have to compare the second element in the array to the first, if the second is smaller, it swaps with the first element, then compare third element to the ones before it. Repeat and move left to right until the correct position is found for every element. Very funny and creative representation of sorting with the beat boxing, rapping, and the dolphin. Entertaining and easy to stay engaged

Quick Sort

Good way to visualize sorting with the orange juice and the silly dance. Pivot element is compared with every element and move all smaller elements before the pivot element Repeat steps with the sub arrays formed by the sorting process. Comparison to random shuffling shows that is is more effective than random shuffling.

Bubble sort

Bachelor and pick up lines was creative and funny. Funny cs jokes like api, cache, firewall, parse, etc. bubbling sorting has adjacent elements which compare each other and the smaller element switches. The the second element is compared to the third, then the third to the fourth. This step keeps repeating until the whole array is sorted. I liked how the numbers were displayed, it made it very easy to understand the sorting

Merge Sort

Dune reference was amazing. Merge sorting splits array in hald and splits it in half again. It splits in half as much as possible until every element is in groups of two. The elements then sorts themselves compared to the othe lement in their group. After they are sorted, they sort with elements in another group of 2 that is already. sorted creating a osrted group of 4. This repeats until the eventually there are two halfs of the array that merge together to sort the whole array. Very good demonstration of the sorting and i liked the music. Selection sorrt: murder mystery made it interesting and different. I didn't like the jokes that they were making as they were being killed, they were very cringy. Theatre kids put up a great performance and the acting was phenomenal. The numbers were very hard to see on the paper, but they said the numbers at loud so it wasn't that big of a problem. Selection sort is looking for the smallest value of the array and move it to the front. Then find the next smallest value and move it to the right of the previous compared element. Repeat this throughout the rest of the array besides the already sorted numbers until array is completely sorted. One criticism i have is it was hard to hear them speak over the loud music at times.

Photo of me at the event
