I have scaffolds with contigs from pacbio long reads, scaffolded with 10X data. My initial is assembly is good with 260 scaffolds with N50 2 Mb. I got my HiC data and aiming for chromosome-scale assembly. I ran juicer and got the following stats:
In the final fasta, I found 1455 sequences !. Whereas, using SALSA2, I got 230 sequences. Next, I did only run-liger-scaffolder.sh, it produced .asm file with single line (I guess order of scaffolds). How do I proceed from here on ?
In the cookbook, it was mentioned about problem using long-reads scaffolds, is there any work-around?
Kindly help and thanks in advance !
Hi, I have scaffolds with contigs from pacbio long reads, scaffolded with 10X data. My initial is assembly is good with 260 scaffolds with N50 2 Mb. I got my HiC data and aiming for chromosome-scale assembly. I ran juicer and got the following stats:
I ran 3d-dna pipeline mainly aiming for superscaffolds
bash $apath/run-asm-pipeline.sh $draft/scaffolds.Protein.masked.fasta $mnd/merged_nodups.txt
In the final fasta, I found 1455 sequences !. Whereas, using SALSA2, I got 230 sequences. Next, I did only
, it produced .asm file with single line (I guess order of scaffolds). How do I proceed from here on ?In the cookbook, it was mentioned about problem using long-reads scaffolds, is there any work-around? Kindly help and thanks in advance !