aidenlab / juicer

A One-Click System for Analyzing Loop-Resolution Hi-C Experiments
MIT License
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isVoltron should not be a default #252

Open Aannaw opened 2 years ago

Aannaw commented 2 years ago

Hello I am running juicer using SLURM. I have copied the the folder scripts underneath SLURM to my workdir. At the same time, I have prepared thereference genome directory including genome and the BWA index files and the folder restriction_sites. My command is ./scripts/ -g Ma6.genome -d /data/01/user157/HIFI/Hic-anchor/Ma6/juicer/work/hic_data -s MboI -p ./restriction_sites/Ma6.genome.chrom.sizes -y ./restriction_sites/Ma6.genome_MboI.txt -z ./references/M.aspalax.6.bp.p_ctg.fasta -D /data/01/user157/HIFI/Hic-anchor/Ma6/juicer/work -t 80 -q pNormal -l pNormal. But I get a err in the debug folder: spack command not found. Then I check, I guess I should modify the path of software. However I am not a root user, I can not use module to load these variables. May if I can to set the path of software likeload_bwa="export PATH=/data/01/user157/software/bwa:$PATH" , load_java="export PATH=/usr/bin/:$PATH" and load gpu=load_java=" export PATH=/usr/bin/:$PATH". The following picture is the path of bwa, java and gpu. Also, should I modify other parameters in the juicer.shlike thequeue_time, long_queue_time, memory. Because I am fresh and no experiences about juicer. My genome size is 3G . Could you give me any suggestions ? Looking forward with your reply! Best wishes! 未命名1642261437

sa501428 commented 2 years ago

Apologies for the delay. Just answered on the forum. Changing the scope of this report for Github Issues.

sa501428 commented 2 years ago

Also see this thread