aidenlab / juicer

A One-Click System for Analyzing Loop-Resolution Hi-C Experiments
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Error! The number of reads in the fastqs is not the same as the number of reads reported in the stats (0) #309

Open carrie1s opened 1 year ago

carrie1s commented 1 year ago


I'm trying to run the Juicer pipeline following the CPU example and run sucessfully, however I got the below error message of data downloaded from GEO database.

***! Error! The number of reads in the fastqs (215818314) is not the same as the number of reads reported in the stats (1), likely due to a failure during alignment

Reads don't add up. Check for results

This happens even if I used the test data downloaded from I used human genome Homo_sapiens_assembly38.fasta and generated the restriction sites file hg38_HindIII_old_HindIII.txt.

Following command is the one I executed.

bash scripts/ -d /home/xianjinyuan/zhoujq/opt -D /home/xianjinyuan/zhoujq/opt -y /home/xianjinyuan/zhoujq/opt/restriction_sites/hg38_HindIII_old_HindIII.txt -g hg38 -z /home/xianjinyuan/zhoujq/opt/references/Homo_sapiens_assembly38.fasta -p /home/xianjinyuan/zhoujq/opt/restriction_sites/hg38.chrom.sizes -s HindIII

It will be grateful if you could teach me how to resolve this problem.

Thank you,

Carrie Zhou

Threeleben commented 8 months ago

Have u solved this issue ? I have the same issue ! Thank u