aidenlx / obsidian-icon-shortcodes

Obsidian Plugin: Insert emoji and custom icons with shortcodes
MIT License
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Feature: Option to allow icon picker at start of line #81

Open EvanEdwards opened 9 months ago

EvanEdwards commented 9 months ago

I have "Trigger with trailing space" turned on, but I can not trigger at the start of a new line. This makes logical sense given the wording, but does not make sense with a typical workflow: there is a whitespace separation from the previous content, which is more in line with the conceptual intent of this feature, At least in my mind; opinions certainly would vary, which leads to two different proposals, one appealing to a conceptual fix and one to a more programmer/technically minded use case:

In a simple solution, a grouped option (that is disabled until the above option is turned on) that reads: "Allow at start of line" would be helpful.

As an advanced solution: "Allow after the following characters" would allow something like "]\n:" to allow after a bracket, a new line, and a colon (for consecutive shortcodes). This opens up the ability to tailor for individual workflow, or be ignored in favor of the more user friendly options listed above.