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Support for the experimental syntax 'importAttributes' isn't currently enabled #936

Closed jahirfiquitiva closed 5 months ago

jahirfiquitiva commented 5 months ago

What version of million are you using?


Are you using an SSR adapter? If so, which one?


What package manager are you using?


What operating system are you using?


What browser are you using?


Describe the Bug

I tried upgrading my website from v 2.6.4 to 3.0.2 but started getting this error.

unhandledRejection SyntaxError: /Users/jahir/dev/jahir/website/.contentlayer/generated/index.mjs: Support for the experimental syntax 'importAttributes' isn't currently enabled (7:43):

   5 | // NOTE During development Contentlayer imports from `.mjs` files to improve HMR speeds.
   6 | // During (production) builds Contentlayer it imports from `.json` files to improve build performance.
>  7 | import allBlogs from './Blog/_index.json' assert { type: 'json' }
     |                                           ^
   8 |
   9 | export { allBlogs }
  10 |

Add @babel/plugin-syntax-import-attributes ( to the 'plugins' section of your Babel config to enable parsing.

What's the expected result?

The build should be completed normal and successfully

Link to Minimal Reproducible Example

I don't have one, sorry. But here's a PR with the changes I did:


github-actions[bot] commented 5 months ago

Thanks for opening this issue! A maintainer will review it soon.