aidos-lab / DONUT

DONUT: Database of Original and Non-Theoretical Applications of Topology
BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License
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RSS feed support #4

Open fazilaltinel opened 1 month ago

fazilaltinel commented 1 month ago

Thank you for the great project. It is very useful for discovering papers on TDA.

I would like to know if you plan to add RSS feed support to the platform. It would be quite useful if I can follow new papers from my RSS feed aggregator.


Pseudomanifold commented 1 month ago

Thanks! I think RSS could be accomplished quite easily. From our side, we need to ensure that the identifiers of the respective articles are persistent (no pun intended). Maybe @yossibokorbleile and I could meet about this soon?

yossibokorbleile commented 1 month ago

@Pseudomanifold yes! Sounds like a great idea. I think we are overdue for a meeting anyway.

fazilaltinel commented 1 month ago

Thank you guys for your swift replies. I am looking forward to using the feature.

Pseudomanifold commented 1 week ago

Some updates on this: the database is now queried and stored in the repository, since it's all based on text anyway. We can now start thinking about feed generation.