Hi, thanks for developing PALMO!
I had some problems testing the code. There are some bugs in
palmo_obj <-avgExpCalc(data_object=palmo_obj,assay="RNA", group_column="celltype");
During debug I found after run
scrna_avgmat <- AverageExpression(object = dataObj, assays = assay,slot = "counts",group.by = "Sample_group",verbose = TRUE);
cn <- data.frame(colnames(scrna_avgmat[[assay]]));
Then I got this result:
This result is different from the required result, resulting in later data processing errors. Is there any solution to this problem?
Hi, thanks for developing PALMO! I had some problems testing the code. There are some bugs in palmo_obj <-avgExpCalc(data_object=palmo_obj,assay="RNA", group_column="celltype"); During debug I found after run scrna_avgmat <- AverageExpression(object = dataObj, assays = assay,slot = "counts",group.by = "Sample_group",verbose = TRUE); cn <- data.frame(colnames(scrna_avgmat[[assay]])); Then I got this result: This result is different from the required result, resulting in later data processing errors. Is there any solution to this problem?