aigents / aigents-java

Aigents Java Core Platform
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Telegram reputation and reports #12

Open akolonin opened 4 years ago

akolonin commented 4 years ago
akolonin commented 4 years ago

Here are few things that we can do to increase the level of compliance with GDPR, gradually increasing the level of GDPR-ness:

  1. Assume that collecting user id, username and interactions in a Telegram group by a bot authorised by group admin is not a GDPR violation
  2. Disable username collection for users who are not registered with bot, but keep collecting user ids and interactions under id
  3. Disable any data collection for users who are not registered with bot
  4. Make user registration with a bot preceded with a link to website with GDPR-concerned policy of the bot or a verbose explanation of the policy in chat.

The 1 makes the most users involved in "Weighted Liquid Rank" computation and makes the results maximally interpretable. From 1 to 4, the "Weighted Liquid Rank" computation use base is collapsing and results are getting less interpretable.

Cassio: For GDPR the user has to explicitly accept their information being collected. It’s not enough to just tell the user about it. Anton: So sounds like combination of 3 and 4 is the only GDPR-clean. Can make the changes implementing the disclaimer on registration and restriction on reputation data collected and processed only for registered users.