aiidalab / aiidalab-docker-stack

Docker images with the basic software stack for AiiDAlab
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Use a proper init script from phusion #12

Closed giovannipizzi closed 4 years ago

giovannipizzi commented 5 years ago

See why here:

For services already provided by phusion, check e.g. (note that what one needs to do differs depending on the base image from Phusion).

This to provide more init scripts:

and CMD should always remain CMD ["/sbin/my_init"]

ltalirz commented 5 years ago

In particular, for postgres this means:

yakutovicha commented 5 years ago

This is to summarize what I learned while trying to figure out how to use the standard my_init system provided by phusion.

  1. According to the phusion baseimage README there are two ways to execute scripts at container startup: running them as daemons or place them into the my_init folder

  2. What I observed: they both get launched by /sbin/my_init program. The scripts from my_init get executed first, the daemons get executed second.

  3. PROBLEM1: This implies that one cannot start postgres as a daemon, because postgres should be started before AiiDA.

  4. According to the phusion README the "proper" way to launch scripts and daemons at startup is to add CMD ["/sbin/my_init"] to the docker file. Note: there can be only one CMD in the docker file.

  5. When launching the docker container DockerSpawner automatically adds two command line parameters: '--ip=""', '--port=8888'. According to these lines the proper way to delete them would be to add to the following lines to the file:

    c.DockerSpawner.ip = '' # should be a string
    c.DockerSpawner.port = 0 # should be an integer
  6. PROBLEM2: Adding the line c.DockerSpawner.port = 0 to the file causes jupyterhub fail to start:

    docker.errors.APIError: 500 Server Error: Internal Server Error ("driver failed programming external
    connectivity on endpoint jupyter-aliaksandr_2Eyakutovich_40epfl_2Ech
    (2568d4735ef1cd76e0200fdda04f7ce566e17a6c19537628fe8e4d2cb8e84b78):  (iptables failed:
    iptables --wait -t nat -A DOCKER -p tcp -d --dport 32975 -j DNAT --to-destination ! -i docker0: iptables v1.6.0: Port `0' not valid

So as I conclusion I see two possible solutions:

  1. If we want to keep using phusion, we should: 1.1. Place postgres launcher in my_init folder (not use them as daemons, PROBLEM1) and Fix the PROBLEM2 of the Docker spawner. or 1.2 Create our own CMD start script.

  2. Use another base image. @ltalirz proposed to consider the ones provided by jupyterhub people:

    jupyter notebook docker containers:
    data science nb uses
    scipy notebook uses
    minimal notebook uses
    base notebook uses
    ubuntu 16.04

    @ltalirz, @giovannipizzi what do you think?

yakutovicha commented 5 years ago

In the meanwhile I made a temporary fix of PROBLEM2 on the dev AiiDA lab server to let the users to transfer their notebooks to aiida 1.0. I simply added args = [] right after this line

The postgres and are now launched from /etc/my_init folder. The rabbitmq, aiidalab-jupyterhub-singleuser, and aiida are launched as services.

yakutovicha commented 5 years ago

I've created an issue to discuss the possible solution(s) to the PROBLEM2

yakutovicha commented 4 years ago

Current status of things with respect to moving to Kubernetes.

  1. The reason why Phusion image exists is that there is no lightweight init system that properly manages zombie tasks. The motivation is described here in more details. Recommended to read - quite an educational article.
  2. According to the article above docker could have taken care of that, but probably they have higher priorities, so this hasn't yet happened.
  3. The /sbin/my_init script (the lightweight init system) must be run as root. See this comment and this comment that explains in more details why running as root is unavoidable.
  4. For some systems, though, this causes a big problem, like reported here. Using Heroku (another cloud platform) with Docker containers makes it impossible to use proper Phusion init system.
  5. Currently, since we are going to move to Kubernetes, it is important to make sure that the container starts by root. I tried to follow this suggestion, but with no success. The problem is not yet solved. The CMD script is run by a non-root user.

Mentioning @giovannipizzi and @oschuett in case you have some ideas. @ltalirz is well aware of the problems.

yakutovicha commented 4 years ago

So we can close the story, finally.

1) I couldn't use /sbin/my_init script as it is, because JupyterHub docker spawner (as well as the Kubernetes docker spawner) gives some default parameters that I couldn't switch off, see So the way I could overcome the problem is by creating my_my_init that has only calls /sbin/my_init and doesn't care about command line parameters.

2) The kubespawner issue (N5 in the previous comment) could be resolved by adding

c.KubeSpawner.uid = 0

to the kubernetes config file

yakutovicha commented 4 years ago

To keep in mind, that there is another init: