aiidalab / aiidalab-widgets-base

Reusable widgets for AiiDAlab applications
MIT License
6 stars 17 forks source link

Publish AWB on conda-forge #595

Open danielhollas opened 2 months ago

danielhollas commented 2 months ago

Just pasting here a handy guide how to create new conda-forge packages.

danielhollas commented 2 months ago

I tried to generate a recipe with greyskull and it looks promising!

$ pipx install grayskull
$ grayskull pypi aiidalab-widgets-base
#### Initializing recipe for aiidalab-widgets-base (pypi) ####

Recovering metadata from pypi...
Starting the download of the sdist package aiidalab-widgets-base
aiidalab-widgets-base 100% Time:  0:00:00   3.2 MiB/s|###################################################################################|
Checking for pyproject.toml
pyproject.toml found in /tmp/grayskull-aiidalab-widgets-base-c9exif_i/aiidalab_widgets_base-2.2.0/pyproject.toml
Recovering information from
Executing injected distutils...
Recovering metadata from setup.cfg
Checking >> pandas 100% |#########################################################################################|[Elapsed Time: 0:00:11]
Recovering license info from ...
Matching license file with database from Grayskull...
Match percentage of the license is 96%. Low match percentage could mean that the license was modified.
License type: MIT
License file: ['LICENSE.txt']
Build requirements:
Host requirements:
  - python >=3.9
  - setuptools >=42
  - wheel
  - pip
Run requirements:
  - python >=3.9
  - pycifrw >=4.4,<5.dev0
  - aiida-core >=2.1,<3
  - aiidalab >=21.11.2
  - **aiidalab-eln >=0.1.2,>=0.1,<1.dev0**  THIS ONE IS RED
  - ansi2html >=1.6,<2.dev0
  - ase >=3.18,<4.dev0
  - bokeh >=2.0,<3.dev0
  - humanfriendly >=10.0,<11.dev0
  - ipytree >=0.2,<1.dev0
  - traitlets >=5.9.0,<5.10.dev0
  - ipywidgets >=7.7,<8.dev0
  - widgetsnbextension <3.6.3
  - more-itertools >=8.0,<9.dev0
  - pymysql >=0.9,<1.dev0
  - nglview >=3.0,<4.dev0
  - spglib >=1.14,<3
  - vapory >=0.1.2,<0.2.dev0
  - pandas >=2.1,<3.dev0

RED: Package names not available on conda-forge
YELLOW: PEP-725 PURLs that did not map to known package
GREEN: Packages available on conda-forge

The only thing that is missing on conda-forge is aiidalab-eln. I would lean towards making it an optional dependency as extras, in the same way we currently have optional extras for smiles and optimade widgets.

yakutovicha commented 1 month ago

The only thing that is missing on conda-forge is aiidalab-eln. I would lean towards making it an optional dependency as extras, in the same way we currently have optional extras for smiles and optimade widgets.

I was thinking of doing the same. Feel free to make a PR 👍

danielhollas commented 1 month ago

@yakutovicha thanks. Happy to make a PR, but as I was looking through the code, I was wondering if this needs to be part of AWB at all, especially if we're going to make AWB only a library.

Admittedly I know nothing about how this is used, but the code in aiidalab_widgets_base/ does not use any of the other parts of AWB, and so it's completely independent. Should it be turned into its own library or app? Should it be part of aiidalab-eln?