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CLI: `repository` option missing for `verdi profile setup core.psql_dos`? #6385

Closed mbercx closed 4 months ago

mbercx commented 4 months ago

Describe the bug

I was trying to use the new verdi profile setup core.psql_dos command to set up a profile based on a YAML file, e.g.:

profile: dev
database_name: mc3d-source-dev
database_username: aiida
database_password: password
repository: /home/aiida/project/mc3d-source/repositories/dev

But I don't see the repository option anymore?

$ verdi profile setup core.psql_dos --help
Usage: verdi profile setup core.psql_dos [OPTIONS]

  An AiiDA storage backend that stores data in a PostgreSQL database and disk-
  objectstore repository.

  Note, there were originally two such backends, `sqlalchemy` and `django`.
  The `django` backend was removed, to consolidate access to this storage.

  --profile PROFILE               The name of the new profile.  [required]
  --set-as-default / --no-set-as-default
                                  Whether to set the profile as the default.
  --email EMAIL                   Email address associated with the data you
                                  generate. The email address is exported
                                  along with the data, when sharing it.
  --first-name NONEMPTYSTRING     First name of the user.  [required]
  --last-name NONEMPTYSTRING      Last name of the user.  [required]
  --institution NONEMPTYSTRING    Institution of the user.  [required]
  --database-engine TEXT          The engine to use to connect to the
  --database-hostname TEXT        The hostname of the PostgreSQL server.
  --database-port INTEGER         The port of the PostgreSQL server.
  --database-username TEXT        The username with which to connect to the
                                  PostgreSQL server.  [required]
  --database-password TEXT        The password with which to connect to the
                                  PostgreSQL server.  [required]
  --database-name TEXT            The name of the database in the PostgreSQL
                                  server.  [required]
  --config FILEORURL              Load option values from configuration file
                                  in yaml format (local path or URL).
  -n, --non-interactive           In non-interactive mode, the CLI never
                                  prompts but simply uses default values for
                                  options that define one.
  -h, --help                      Show this message and exit.

So the command fails when I try to set up the profile.

Your environment

sphuber commented 4 months ago

That is a bug in v2.5 which is already fixed in main by 43a7d77e5a2defd7c6095df42125d8e9d3666be9 We really need to get v2.6 out soon. Let's get these final blocking PRs merged so we can release!