aiidateam / aiida-core

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CI: Run Docker workflow only for pushes to origin #6446

Closed danielhollas closed 3 weeks ago

danielhollas commented 3 weeks ago

This workflow needs permissions to publish images to, so it does not work for forks. Therefore, let's only trigger it on pushes to aiidateam/aiida-core repo.

I have an idea on how to support forks, basically just running the build and testing it in a single workflow without a push to But that will be cleaner as a completely separate worfkflow. I'll submit a follow-up PR for that.

unkcpz commented 3 weeks ago

I have an idea on how to support forks, basically just running the build and testing it in a single workflow without a push to

As I mentioned, you can always use pull_request_target, it allow CI to use GITHUB_TOKEN from forked PR.

danielhollas commented 3 weeks ago

Hmm, this change broke tagging and publishing to looking into it.

danielhollas commented 3 weeks ago

@sphuber this is now ready. There is one functional change here regarding tagging. Since we run on push event, images on will not be tagged with a PR number, but by a branch name.

So if you push a branch docker-build-refactor to aiidateam/aiida-core origin, you can download the image as docker pull

CC @unkcpz