aiidateam / aiida-restapi

AiiDA Web API for data queries and workflow management.
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DevOps: Add AiiDA deprecation warnings #45

Closed sphuber closed 2 years ago

sphuber commented 2 years ago

The warnings are enabled by setting the AIIDA_WARN_v3 environment variable to True in the CI workflow.

Most of the warnings are addressed, but a few remain that cannot be trivially fixed:

With the current setup using pydantic it is not clear how these changes can be addressed and whether the manner in which field values are being set on the underlying ORM model instance can be customized.

ltalirz commented 2 years ago
  • The id property on the aiida.orm.Entity class is deprecated. This is being called because the ORM proxy model declares id as the primary key field. This is correct for the database models of the PsqlDosBackend in aiida-core, but the front-end ORM is using the pk property instead.

Hehe, so the PK made its way from being the primary key in the database backend to the frontend, and in the meanwhile it's actually gone from the backend? Should we change the backend column name from id to pk then?

sphuber commented 2 years ago

Hehe, so the PK made its way from being the primary key in the database backend to the frontend, and in the meanwhile it's actually gone from the backend? Should we change the backend column name from id to pk then?

From the very beginning the database models chose id as the primary key, and Django provides the pk as alias. In the front end, we encouraged using pk, since id is a reserved keyword in Python. That's why we deprecated the id property on the front end ORM, however, the since the QueryBuilder still requires projecting and filtering on id since that operates (currently) directly on the database models, we never removed it.

@chrisjsewell actually opened a PR on aiida-core quite some time ago, that would correct this discrepancy in user interface. We should definitely look into this again and include it in the discussion of providing a single client-facing schema for both Python API, as well as other API's such as the web API.