aiidateam / aiida-workgraph

Efficiently design and manage flexible workflows with AiiDA, featuring an interactive GUI, checkpoints, provenance tracking, and remote execution capabilities.
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Handling input paramters in decorator #274

Open superstar54 opened 3 months ago

superstar54 commented 3 months ago

When passing parameters to the decorator, we define some nonlocal variables, this make the codes not clean. e.g., task_type.

class TaskDecoratorCollection:
    """Collection of task decorators."""

    # decorator with arguments indentifier, args, kwargs, properties, inputs, outputs, executor
    def decorator_task(
        identifier: Optional[str] = None,
        task_type: str = "Normal",
        properties: Optional[List[Tuple[str, str]]] = None,
        inputs: Optional[List[Tuple[str, str]]] = None,
        outputs: Optional[List[Tuple[str, str]]] = None,
        catalog: str = "Others",
    ) -> Callable:
        """Generate a decorator that register a function as a task.

            indentifier (str): task identifier
            catalog (str): task catalog
            args (list): task args
            kwargs (dict): task kwargs
            properties (list): task properties
            inputs (list): task inputs
            outputs (list): task outputs

        def decorator(func):
            nonlocal identifier, task_type

            if identifier is None:
                identifier = func.__name__

            # Determine task_type based on AiiDA's node classes
            task_type = task_type
            if hasattr(func, "node_class"):
                task_type = task_types.get(func.node_class, task_type)```

Simple solution

use another name.