aiken-lang / aiken

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Bug: Typemismatch while computing a G1Element value. #840

Closed AgustinBadi closed 6 months ago

AgustinBadi commented 6 months ago

What Git revision are you using?


What operating system are you using, and which version?

Describe what the problem is?

Hello dear Aiken team! Curretly we are working on a library that verifies a zk proof following the Groth16 protocol. The Aiken compiler raises a bug error when performing a test on the verification function.

The source code that raises the problem it is the following (link):

use aiken.{G1Element, G2Element}
// ,MillerLoopResult
use aiken/builtin.{
  bls12_381_final_verify, bls12_381_g1_add, bls12_381_g1_scalar_mul,
  bls12_381_g1_uncompress, bls12_381_miller_loop,
use aiken/list.{head, map2, reduce, tail}

pub type SnarkVerificationKey {
  nPublic: Int,
  vkAlpha: G1Element,
  vkBeta: G2Element,
  vkGamma: G2Element,
  vkDelta: G2Element,
  vkAlphaBeta: List<G2Element>,
  vkIC: List<G1Element>,

pub type Proof {
  piA: G1Element,
  piB: G2Element,
  piC: G1Element,

pub fn pairing(g1: G1Element, g2: G2Element) {
  bls12_381_miller_loop(g1, g2)

pub fn groth_verify(
  vk: SnarkVerificationKey,
  proof: Proof,
  public: List<Int>,
) -> Bool {
  // let n = vk.nPublic

  let eAB = pairing(proof.piA, proof.piB)
  let eAlphaBeta = pairing(vk.vkAlpha, vk.vkBeta)

  expect Some(vkICHead) = head(vk.vkIC)
  expect Some(vkICTail) = tail(vk.vkIC)
  let derived_vkIC = map2(public, vkICTail, bls12_381_g1_scalar_mul)
  let vkI = reduce(derived_vkIC, vkICHead, bls12_381_g1_add)
  let eIGamma = pairing(vkI, vk.vkGamma)
  let eCDelta = pairing(proof.piC, vk.vkDelta)

  let mlr1 = bls12_381_mul_miller_loop_result(eAlphaBeta, eIGamma)
  let mlr2 = bls12_381_mul_miller_loop_result(mlr1, eCDelta)
  bls12_381_final_verify(eAB, mlr2)

// Test (3 Factorial problem)

test groth_verify_1() {
  //  Template of VK
  let vk: SnarkVerificationKey =
    SnarkVerificationKey {
      nPublic: 2,
      vkAlpha: #<Bls12_381, G1>"8e3d9e248feda194cb6fa0a3b64fd2a380cb5e94836bf8148bf97ebcbb5819d9a78f63102f0293c104bcbb2f810d8eb4",
      vkBeta: #<Bls12_381, G2>"8cd68a7186a908212680a0234d8210c20328f8fb3ce1d69c9aec9330a5802d6cfaf6d7cf3176133221c19188590cb4141874ea7bbfcb9872931e115d882c46b90c3dcbcee10062d1c9b9b0a691d7bec7d2735f06495c7f71dea210e55b2782df",
      vkGamma: #<Bls12_381, G2>"93e02b6052719f607dacd3a088274f65596bd0d09920b61ab5da61bbdc7f5049334cf11213945d57e5ac7d055d042b7e024aa2b2f08f0a91260805272dc51051c6e47ad4fa403b02b4510b647ae3d1770bac0326a805bbefd48056c8c121bdb8",
      vkDelta: #<Bls12_381, G2>"938231fcec443fbdeb1079ff126b8f69bd8579ffe82d39923214d4345395beee60200288fa20c97ae50f3212131b6f8802af2f9f515c65af6a9a6c294c738590104376a0af44731d6699db6a286608774243f7d1dddc4605eb340e65e15060a5",
      vkAlphaBeta: [
        #<Bls12_381, G2>"93e02b6052719f607dacd3a088274f65596bd0d09920b61ab5da61bbdc7f5049334cf11213945d57e5ac7d055d042b7e024aa2b2f08f0a91260805272dc51051c6e47ad4fa403b02b4510b647ae3d1770bac0326a805bbefd48056c8c121bdb8",
      vkIC: [
        #<Bls12_381, G1>"b5813c90d3455acb8608fdf66e8601f24ef048f3fdf9384862d77c72cb5cddfde2b307976b1b0319c42ba985f94be60a",
        #<Bls12_381, G1>"a41a0e6370c054be0f9acce08e97f6d5702d9daa9e9a934e8a377f553593baa1c58062adc73d63558653422d54d6f50c",
        #<Bls12_381, G1>"8e02a87c519c3145f984d25fdf769f74fbc36626c385d4554fb4bc1d7a12cbf669d40f257023b8b3c9a31e631aa8f981",

  //  Template of Proof
  let pk: Proof =
    Proof {
      piA: #<Bls12_381, G1>"b28cb29bc282be68df977b35eb9d8e98b3a0a3fc7c372990bddc50419ca86693e491755338fed4fb42231a7c081252ce",
      piB: #<Bls12_381, G2>"b9215e5bc481ba6552384c89c23d45bd650b69462868248bfbb83aee7060579404dba41c781dec7c2bec5fccec06842e0e66ad6d86c7c76c468a32c9c0080eea0219d0953b44b1c4f5605afb1e5a3193264ff730222e94f55207628235f3b423",
      piC: #<Bls12_381, G1>"886a574105c0da95915c36025637e5b80c7c00c4a264b529b465c273ade3e38f15dc7840498a1aefb44a24a0070a2ff6",
  // Template of public values
  let public_values: List<Int> =
    [562, 3]

  groth_verify(vk, pk, public_values)

When perform aiken check it raises this problem:

   Whoops! You found a bug in the Aiken compiler.

   Please report this error at
   In your bug report please provide the information below and if possible the code
   that produced it.

   Operating System: linux
   Architecture:     x86_64
   Version:          v1.0.24-alpha+46c357d


       called `Result::unwrap()` on an `Err` value: TypeMismatch(ByteString, Bls12_381G1Element)
   ak-381   git:(feature/point-conversions) 

What should be the expected behavior?

The test to pass or to fail.

rvcas commented 6 months ago

@MicroProofs so I looked into this and it seems like during code gen for some reason bData is being called on a G1Element

rvcas commented 6 months ago

@MicroProofs nevermind I think I know the problem

@AgustinBadi you can't use G1Element and G2Element in data types because they are not representable as PlutusData

AgustinBadi commented 6 months ago

Excelent, we manage it to compile, thank you very much! <3