aiko-chan-ai / discord.js-selfbot-v13

An unofficial discord.js fork for creating selfbots
GNU General Public License v3.0
712 stars 148 forks source link

Captcha resolve throw error: DiscordAPIError: sitekey-secret-mismatch #1001

Closed rikvik2006 closed 5 months ago

rikvik2006 commented 6 months ago

Which package has the bugs?

The core library

Issue description

To reproduce create a Discord Client login in and define your captchaSolver function, in this example, I used 2captcha API package (npm). After that define your ready listener and try to join in a guild.

For testing use my code below: Logs:

      Logging on with a user token is unfortunately against the Discord
      `Terms of Service` <>
      and doing so might potentially get your account banned.
      Use this at your own risk.
Provided token: MTE1Njk2NTIyMzg2NjA0ODU2Mg.G7kuBM.**************************************
Preparing to connect to the gateway...
[WS => Manager] Fetched Gateway Information
    URL: wss://
    Recommended Shards: 1
[WS => Manager] Session Limit Information
    Total: Infinity
    Remaining: Infinity
[WS => Manager] Spawning shards: 0
[WS => Shard 0] [CONNECT]
    Gateway    : wss://
    Version    : 9
    Encoding   : json
    Compression: none
    Agent      : false
[WS => Shard 0] Setting a HELLO timeout for 20s.
[WS => Shard 0] [CONNECTED] Took 180ms
[WS => Shard 0] Clearing the HELLO timeout.
[WS => Shard 0] Setting a heartbeat interval for 41250ms.
[WS => Shard 0] [IDENTIFY] Shard 0/1 with intents: undefined
[WS => Shard 0] [READY] Session 29ff45e162a97ef7f546e4efb0bd7673 | Resume url wss://
[WS => Shard 0] [ReadyHeartbeat] Sending a heartbeat.
[USER_REQUIRED_ACTION] All required actions have been completed.
[READY] Received 1 guilds, 0 large guilds
[WS => Shard 0] Shard received all its guilds. Marking as fully ready.
Ready! scared_of_the_unknown
[WS => Shard 0] Heartbeat acknowledged, latency of 127ms.
Hit a captcha while executing a request (You need to update your app to join this server.)
    Method  : post
    Path    : /invites/mdmc
    Route   : /invites/mdmc
    Sitekey : b2b02ab5-7dae-4d6f-830e-7b55634c888b
    rqToken : IkV3K0ptamIxWW9vU1lxMTZDZlNsWHdNVklBOTdqMTU1UFFEenc5NllXenNTQk5FWFZ6VnB5dXRud3o0anpra1lGUERqN1E9PTJEZUFGTGYvSmVwZDJlbWgi.Zaq5lw.RFj94vyjDvvVpIkPdbL2RV5WtIM
Captcha details:
    Method  : post
    Path    : /invites/mdmc
    Route   : /invites/mdmc
    Key     : P1_eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.hKdwYXNza2V5xQZqI7V5a3UWCS0EicVTvXLc5h_5-Viple83AcurypcH2nnKTJFHo6cjhHp5hCiTM74I...
    rqToken : IkV3K0ptamIxWW9vU1lxMTZDZlNsWHdNVklBOTdqMTU1UFFEenc5NllXenNTQk5FWFZ6VnB5dXRud3o0anpra1lGUERqN1E9PTJEZUFGTGYvSmVwZDJlbWgi.Zaq5lw.RFj94vyjDvvVpIkPdbL2RV5WtIM
Hit a captcha while executing a request (rqkey-mismatch, 9222362c-701d-4d2c-b498-f00490824e3a_None)
    Method  : post
    Path    : /invites/mdmc
    Route   : /invites/mdmc
    Sitekey : b2b02ab5-7dae-4d6f-830e-7b55634c888b
    rqToken : IlBYaFFSRmw5YVdIYkFDYkhKWGpOaS9wSXZTQk1qT3JCU25nTmxsNDM5Zy9VVTJQdjh4OWd2d3l6eTdFZnVLemp1Lyt6Nmc9PW9PakRVTXRiRzlRMHBySHAi.Zaq5qA.kLA-AjN3gbAswLs85f2rjBfk1ac
Captcha details:
    Method  : post
    Path    : /invites/mdmc
    Route   : /invites/mdmc
    Key     : P1_eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.hKdwYXNza2V5xQUjQJiVQvE9TxqlX_-SZEOKDa3NBvhgLuTHYSfm2TcZoDes5tNhV-oQZIYst2jckmgR...
    rqToken : IlBYaFFSRmw5YVdIYkFDYkhKWGpOaS9wSXZTQk1qT3JCU25nTmxsNDM5Zy9VVTJQdjh4OWd2d3l6eTdFZnVLemp1Lyt6Nmc9PW9PakRVTXRiRzlRMHBySHAi.Zaq5qA.kLA-AjN3gbAswLs85f2rjBfk1ac
D:\GitHub\!Reposytory non inizializate\JavascriptNodejs\Discord-Server-Join-test\node_modules\.pnpm\discord.js-selfbot-v13@3.0.2\node_modules\discord.js-selfbot-v13\src\rest\RequestHandler.js:390
      throw new DiscordAPIError(data, res.status, request);

DiscordAPIError: sitekey-secret-mismatch
    at RequestHandler.execute (D:\GitHub\!Reposytory non inizializate\JavascriptNodejs\Discord-Server-Join-test\node_modules\.pnpm\discord.js-selfbot-v13@3.0.2\node_modules\discord.js-selfbot-v13\src\rest\RequestHandler.js:390:13)
    at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5)
    at async RequestHandler.push (D:\GitHub\!Reposytory non inizializate\JavascriptNodejs\Discord-Server-Join-test\node_modules\.pnpm\discord.js-selfbot-v13@3.0.2\node_modules\discord.js-selfbot-v13\src\rest\RequestHandler.js:62:14)
    at async Client.acceptInvite (D:\GitHub\!Reposytory non inizializate\JavascriptNodejs\Discord-Server-Join-test\node_modules\.pnpm\discord.js-selfbot-v13@3.0.2\node_modules\discord.js-selfbot-v13\src\client\Client.js:557:5) {
  method: 'post',
  path: '/invites/mdmc',
  code: undefined,
  httpStatus: 400,
  requestData: {
    json: { session_id: '29ff45e162a97ef7f546e4efb0bd7673' },
    files: [],
    headers: undefined
  retries: 2,
  captcha: {
    captcha_key: [ 'sitekey-secret-mismatch' ],
    captcha_sitekey: 'b2b02ab5-7dae-4d6f-830e-7b55634c888b',
    captcha_service: 'hcaptcha',
    captcha_rqdata: 'WHPmS5LvN+ZpX5j4tkIIBBeIWd1qKctx7TYoZgtqwdvPhzSXb9wMyaew/cYRMYe2aYVwm2YHi3iBHqHkydDJHaYexGNr6K+9eL0yeA/23fv5DTPiqZsOlNogHG0=WKfDUXifOUiVTFFx',
    captcha_rqtoken: 'IllnWEwxMHFDdytqOUdadTQvZEpZQXFheDM0OW8rYVY2U1BkUXJaMWU4QW5jUE1MQkNIMXA1TkY2djJUdllyUmUrRnl4N3c9PVZPRFB4ZHRBNnRLc0pPT1Ii.Zaq5uQ.EQY4RQkJjl7VmyAV5KFQTtJuo4o'

Node.js v19.4.0

This problem is also expressed here but the issue is closed. issue comment #988

Code sample

const Discord = require('discord.js-selfbot-v13');
const Captcha = require('2captcha');
const solver = new Captcha.Solver('api-key');

const client = new Discord.Client({
    captchaSolver: function (captcha, UA) {
        return solver
            .hcaptcha(captcha.captcha_sitekey, '', {
                invisible: 1,
                userAgent: UA,
                data: captcha.captcha_rqdata,
            .then((res) =>
            .catch((err) => console.log(err));

client.on('debug', console.log);

client.on('ready', async (client) => {
    console.log('Ready!', client.user.tag);


Package version


Node.js version


Operating system

Windows 11

Priority this issue should have

High (immediate attention needed)


Additional Information

I used pnpm for installing dependency. pnpm version: 8.14.1 For running the program I used: node .

aiko-chan-ai commented 6 months ago

These error codes are not documented, so I don't know what they are

aiko-chan-ai commented 5 months ago

try v3.1.3 ;-;

Spoilerinooo commented 1 week ago

how did you solve?