aiko-chan-ai / discord.js-selfbot-v13

An unofficial discord.js fork for creating selfbots
GNU General Public License v3.0
774 stars 164 forks source link

I can't join the guild using the code #1177

Closed daothien closed 2 months ago

daothien commented 4 months ago

Which package has the bugs?

The core library

Issue description

Logging on with a user token is unfortunately against the Discord Terms of Service and doing so might potentially get your account banned. Use this at your own risk. Provided token: MTI0MzAwOTczMjAyNjA0NDQ5OQ.Gr77g0.** Preparing to connect to the gateway... [WS => Manager] Fetched Gateway Information URL: wss:// Recommended Shards: 1 [WS => Manager] Session Limit Information Total: Infinity Remaining: Infinity [WS => Manager] Spawning shards: 0 [WS => Shard 0] [CONNECT] Gateway : wss:// Version : 9 Encoding : json Compression: none Agent : false [WS => Shard 0] Setting a HELLO timeout for 20s. [WS => Shard 0] [CONNECTED] Took 391ms [WS => Shard 0] Clearing the HELLO timeout. [WS => Shard 0] Setting a heartbeat interval for 41250ms. [WS => Shard 0] [IDENTIFY] Shard 0 [WS => Shard 0] [READY] Session 7c1ff85578647a07b46d9dcafcdc4142 | Resume url wss:// [WS => Shard 0] [ReadyHeartbeat] Sending a heartbeat. [USER_REQUIRED_ACTION] All required actions have been completed. [READY] Received 0 guilds, 0 large guilds [SETTING > ClientUser] Sync setting [SETTING > ClientUser] Sync activities & status [WS => Shard 0] Shard received all its guilds. Marking as fully ready. Ready! cindyjones65278156 [WS => Shard 0] Heartbeat acknowledged, latency of 250ms. Hit a captcha while executing a request (You need to update your app to join this server.) Method : post Path : /invites/D7y2P98e Route : /invites/D7y2P98e Sitekey : b2b02ab5-7dae-4d6f-830e-7b55634c888b rqToken : ImtGM1N6RHJ4amFTZ3VORnB5WVJEcUlNR3RJWWZBWXBQc1ZTdFFRbEJtSEQrS2NnMjMwcG42a2NDRm5xVDJucWxlS2lWVEE9PWFmR21ZQmhUMVFrNXRtUmIi.ZlC0ow.dBWVwUCJliNwH3a2-kRG_hUepg4 Received CAPTCHA data: { captcha_key: [ 'You need to update your app to join this server.' ], captcha_sitekey: 'b2b02ab5-7dae-4d6f-830e-7b55634c888b', captcha_service: 'hcaptcha', captcha_rqdata: 'HX5zx48HOtxHLshd0D74zbnfmWdyeR5Tr3RwHB+uexf5/1Dych/QhECmeAMfgonqTjaPJwMHg00dBT84JfikzwrNSzfkwDdmoxWxtAnfQAH/k/cVVIaLOtQMJGdcK3GAqQpIhY77JNLihA==TMkbq0N03XOtGCoS', captcha_rqtoken: 'ImtGM1N6RHJ4amFTZ3VORnB5WVJEcUlNR3RJWWZBWXBQc1ZTdFFRbEJtSEQrS2NnMjMwcG42a2NDRm5xVDJucWxlS2lWVEE9PWFmR21ZQmhUMVFrNXRtUmIi.ZlC0ow.dBWVwUCJliNwH3a2-kRG_hUepg4' } Captcha details: Method : post Path : /invites/D7y2P98e Route : /invites/D7y2P98e Key : P1_eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.hadwYXNza2V5xQzV46ls4K6GKdc3f1iOJ8PtZA5gyyA0HKpiiDWQdFG5RWW4q13EWc1ZkVrFkxxrrq9p... rqToken : ImtGM1N6RHJ4amFTZ3VORnB5WVJEcUlNR3RJWWZBWXBQc1ZTdFFRbEJtSEQrS2NnMjMwcG42a2NDRm5xVDJucWxlS2lWVEE9PWFmR21ZQmhUMVFrNXRtUmIi.ZlC0ow.dBWVwUCJliNwH3a2-kRG_hUepg4 Hit a captcha while executing a request (invalid-input-response) Method : post Path : /invites/D7y2P98e Route : /invites/D7y2P98e Sitekey : b2b02ab5-7dae-4d6f-830e-7b55634c888b rqToken : ImF5Mm5aaEZ3QVUwWU1BRHVtUjlGclZlaWw2aUlZQTBDWEkwZGRoYUFSY2ZSWUwwcExrU2dtMXQ3V0dqSlgvNE9GUHZTd3c9PVNvcldSY1k2SXhGanFGQjAi.ZlC0qw.O7Z6PdmTY-l64Xc4ljiDbfiuQMo Received CAPTCHA data: { captcha_key: [ 'invalid-input-response' ], captcha_sitekey: 'b2b02ab5-7dae-4d6f-830e-7b55634c888b', captcha_service: 'hcaptcha', captcha_rqdata: '5bQwbsn8vGd4Igdu5T2sHiVSDeBLtYj4MnA0BGCMODiCTx0v/K0uwGh2ZIWoz/2zFm1Izv05FTUwSto3sOSlSfNs1u13X8B8A/cfYYIWvBFJss3Hgl/24CTxIrFxpshd', captcha_rqtoken: 'ImF5Mm5aaEZ3QVUwWU1BRHVtUjlGclZlaWw2aUlZQTBDWEkwZGRoYUFSY2ZSWUwwcExrU2dtMXQ3V0dqSlgvNE9GUHZTd3c9PVNvcldSY1k2SXhGanFGQjAi.ZlC0qw.O7Z6PdmTY-l64Xc4ljiDbfiuQMo' }

Above is what I received. Please help me! Thank you so much

Code sample

const Discord = require('discord.js-selfbot-v13');
const Captcha = require('2captcha');
const solver = new Captcha.Solver('xxxx');

const client = new Discord.Client({
    captchaSolver: function (captcha, UA) {
        console.log('Received CAPTCHA data:', captcha);
        return solver
            .hcaptcha(captcha.captcha_sitekey, '', {
                invisible: 1,
                userAgent: UA,
                data: captcha.captcha_rqdata,
            .then((res) =>;

client.on('debug', console.log);

client.on('ready', async (client) => {
    console.log('Ready!', client.user.tag);


Package version


Node.js version


Operating system


Priority this issue should have

High (immediate attention needed)


Additional Information

No response

aaronmansfield5 commented 3 months ago

Did you ever find a fix for this?