ailanthustng / pe

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Invalid return message for goal command #11

Open ailanthustng opened 4 years ago

ailanthustng commented 4 years ago

Screenshot 2020-04-17 at 14.53.54.png

Screenshot 2020-04-17 at 14.53.56.png

The return message here is incorrect. Should not be index.

nus-pe-bot commented 4 years ago

Team's Response

Hi, thank you for the report. The application has shown an error message for the out-of-bounds index correctly. Index refers to the number corresponding to a certain daily goal. We believe that this is a valid use of the word index, based on the dictionary definition: "number appended to a quantity". Also, this seems to be an issue regarding language use, instead of a "feature flaw". As this is not a "Feature Flaw", and no changes are required, we will reject this issue.

Items for the Tester to Verify

:question: Issue response

Team chose [response.Rejected]

Reason for disagreement: I believe that throughout the app, the use of "index" refers to the number of the task. Yet here, when you mention "that this is a valid use of the word index, based on the dictionary definition: “number appended to a quantity”." You're changing the definition of the index used in the application. There's no consistency here.

As such, in this case, the use of "index" is wrong because I believe that what you're referring to is the "number of tasks inputted is out of range" rather than the "index". Based on the standard definition of "index" (use of "index" refers to the number of the task), the user might be confused. "Is the app telling me that I have to input the index of the tasks I want to complete today? Wasn't the app just asking me how many I wanted to complete?" Hence the confusion.

:question: Issue severity

Team chose [severity.VeryLow] Originally [severity.Low]

Reason for disagreement: [replace this with your explanation]