ailich / GLCMTextures

This R package calculates the most common gray-level co-occurrence matrix (GLCM) texture metrics used for spatial analysis on raster data.
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One single GLCM (and set of metrics) for all window positions #23

Closed aloboa closed 1 year ago

aloboa commented 1 year ago

I have a set of little images (200 x 200) of "uniform" textures and would like to calculate single GLCM sets of metrics for each image, instead of a raster with the values for each window position. Is it possible to set the parameters so that only one single GLCM is built for the entire image (thus only 1 set of metrics for the entire image) instead of having one GLCM (and one set of metrics) calculated for each window position?

ailich commented 1 year ago

Sure thing! You can do that using the make_glcm and glcm_metrics functions. The shift parameter defines what pixels are considered neighbors.

There isn't a "jump" parameter, but we can tabulate a GLCM for the entire image and then calculate the various measures from there. For example, below is code for a 200 x 200 matrix with 4 grey levels and a 0, 45, 90, and 135 degree shift. You can use these shifts individually or average them. Also, although typically neighboring pixels are defined as being one pixel away in a given direction you could change that to any number (e.g. two away horizontally would be shift = c(2,0)) You can also check out the section working with test_matrix in the ReadMe or look at the tutorial by Hall-Beyer.

#> Loading required package: terra
#> Warning: package 'terra' was built under R version 4.2.2
#> terra 1.7.19

img<- matrix(data = sample(x = 0:3, size = 40000, replace = TRUE), 
             nrow = 200, ncol = 200) # 200 x 200 matrix with 4 grey levels

# Plot of image
plot(rast(img), col= grey.colors(100))

# Tabulate the GLCM for horizontal (zero degree shift)
GLCM_0<- make_glcm(img, n_levels = 4, shift = c(1,0), normalize = TRUE)
#>            [,1]       [,2]       [,3]       [,4]
#> [1,] 0.06206030 0.06187186 0.06263819 0.06202261
#> [2,] 0.06187186 0.06168342 0.06305276 0.06233668
#> [3,] 0.06263819 0.06305276 0.06567839 0.06228643
#> [4,] 0.06202261 0.06233668 0.06228643 0.06216080

# Calculate the measures from the GLCM
results_0<- glcm_metrics(GLCM_0)
#>      glcm_contrast glcm_dissimilarity   glcm_homogeneity           glcm_ASM 
#>       2.4906281407       1.2464572864       0.5011884422       0.0625131161 
#>       glcm_entropy          glcm_mean      glcm_variance   glcm_correlation 
#>       2.7724850833       1.5026758794       1.2447918346      -0.0004195366

# Other shifts
GLCM_45<- make_glcm(img, n_levels = 4, shift = c(1,1), normalize = TRUE)
results_45<- glcm_metrics(GLCM_45)

GLCM_90<- make_glcm(img, n_levels = 4, shift = c(0,1), normalize = TRUE)
results_90<- glcm_metrics(GLCM_90)

GLCM_135<- make_glcm(img, n_levels = 4, shift = c(-1,1), normalize = TRUE)
results_135<- glcm_metrics(GLCM_135)

# Average across shifts
all_results<- rbind(results_0, results_45, results_90, results_135)
#>             glcm_contrast glcm_dissimilarity glcm_homogeneity   glcm_ASM
#> results_0        2.490628           1.246457        0.5011884 0.06251312
#> results_45       2.472387           1.242671        0.5016363 0.06252164
#> results_90       2.466307           1.238317        0.5036407 0.06252931
#> results_135      2.474306           1.240903        0.5028888 0.06252321
#>             glcm_entropy glcm_mean glcm_variance glcm_correlation
#> results_0       2.772485  1.502676      1.244792    -0.0004195366
#> results_45      2.772416  1.502525      1.244640     0.0067864533
#> results_90      2.772355  1.502952      1.244640     0.0092285829
#> results_135     2.772403  1.502550      1.244615     0.0059952210
mean_results<- apply(all_results, MARGIN = 2, FUN = mean)
#>      glcm_contrast glcm_dissimilarity   glcm_homogeneity           glcm_ASM 
#>         2.47590698         1.24208688         0.50233857         0.06252182 
#>       glcm_entropy          glcm_mean      glcm_variance   glcm_correlation 
#>         2.77241489         1.50267594         1.24467161         0.00539768

Created on 2023-03-14 with reprex v2.0.2